Page 9 of Just One Taste

“Okay,” she chuckled, “easy goingandcharming.”

“At your service, ma’am.” The wide smile on her face was a sweet reward. What he’d expected to be a boring dinner talking hockey and listening to boasting about what the city had to offer, had turned into a pleasant evening with a beautiful and smart woman. Too bad, despite the possibilities, as far as he was concerned, the franchise needed a home already rooted in ice hockey, which meant Houston wasn’t even in the running.

Chapter Five

The Governor’s secretary had emailed Daniel the rest of his itinerary. The email left no room for diverting from the schedule and that was why Daniel was currently driving towards the Baron ranch—Paradise Ridge. Interesting name. He’d have thought for sure a family as powerful and renowned as the Barons would have their own name brazened across the archway to their home.

They were all meeting at the family homestead and then driving to Galveston. Who “all” meant, Daniel wasn’t sure. From his research, he’d already learned that Paige had a lot of siblings, but were they all going to be part of today’s plans? He’d rather have Paige to himself, spend what little time he had left in Houston uncovering more about this intriguing woman, but today, the show was directed by the Governor.

Various high-end cars were parked neatly in the driveway. A couple almost had Daniel drooling. It took him a moment to remember that one of Paige’s brothers is a race car driver. He was guessing the Lamborghini was his. Daniel pulled into an empty spot behind Paige’s SUV and took his time strolling past the parked cars. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed not to wander up to the Italian sports car, caress the fender, and beg for the car keys. He’d driven some sweet cars but nothing like this.

Before he could reach for the handle to the main house, the door opened. A man loaded down with beach towels literally up to his eyebrows almost collided with Daniel. The mountain of terrycloth shifted left and a hand snaked out from under the towels. “You must be Daniel. I’m Craig, one of the Governor’s many grandsons, and Paige’s brother.”

“Nice to meet you.”

Craig nudged his head in the direction of the doorway. “Paige is inside finishing up breakfast.” Craig leaned a little closer. “Don’t worry; the whole family won’t be joining us on this trip.”

Were his thoughts that easy to read? He opted to simply smile, nod and move on. After all, one of the many things his mama had drummed into him from the moment he could talk was that sometimes it was better not to say a word. So intrigued by the cars, Daniel hadn’t paid much attention to the stately home until he crossed the threshold.

A butler, at least he assumed by the stoic expression and formal suit that the man standing a few feet inside the doorway was the butler, addressed him. “The family is expecting you. They’re in the front parlor.”

Yep. The butler. The guy turned on his heel and led the way. Everywhere Daniel’s gaze landed, there was one stunning item after another. A few he knew had to be worth more than the cars on the other side of the front door. He’d known that the Barons had money, but this was beyond his wildest expectations. His mind drifted back to Paige’s comment yesterday that the Barons usually get what they wanted. Now he understood a little better just how likely that was.

“Daniel, hi,” Paige said from a doorway down the long hall. “Come in. You want some coffee for the road?”

“Uh, sure.”

She motioned him in her direction so he followed. The large and bright kitchen could have easily been in any design magazine or television show. State of the art equipment, and long slabs of countertop would be a chef’s dream. The staff, on the other hand, probably fit in better with a turn of the century British TV saga.

“How do you drink it?” A large silver coffee pot in hand, Paige glanced up at him.

“One sugar is fine.” Daniel watched intently as she poured the hot liquid into a massive travel mug. Somehow the plastic container seemed horribly out of place in the pristine kitchen and what he suspected was a sterling coffee pot.

A strong hand slapped Daniel on the back and he looked into the Governor’s face. The casual attire surprised him. His starched shorts with perfect creases down the front reminded Daniel the older man was also former military. The short sleeve Hawaiian shirt and leather sandals offset the starched shorts. The man looked ready for a day at the beach. The itinerary only said a drive to Galveston. He assumed for a tour of the old town and popular restaurants. Actually spending the day on the beach hadn’t occurred to him. Daniel had dressed down, but not to the point of sitting on a sandy beach.

“Good morning.” Mrs. Baron sidled up beside the Governor. “I see Paige is setting you up with coffee.”

“Grams, this is Daniel. Daniel, my grandmother, Lila Baron.”

“It’s a pleasure.” As his mom had taught him, he waited for the woman to extend her hand before shaking it. He might not have had the wealth and breeding that the Barons had, but his parents were firm believers in good old fashioned manners too.

Just then two rambunctious furballs came barreling down the hall and through the doorway. All Lila Baron had to do was clear her throat and the two pups immediately came to a skidding halt at her feet and plopped their bottoms down to look up at her. Even though they were statue still, the furry tails were swishing back and forth like windshield wipers on a stormy day.

“Much better,” she addressed the pups, leaning over to scratch each one behind the ears before straightening and turning to Daniel. “If you’re hungry, Hazel made extra sausage croissant breakfast sandwiches. They’re better than the word sandwich implies.”

“Thank you, ma’am, maybe another time.”

Paige handed Daniel the travel mug. “We have a few minutes before we leave, follow me and I’ll give you the quick patio tour.”

Daniel nodded at the Governor and his wife, then followed Paige outdoors. He didn’t know which was more impressive, the patio suitable for a royal summer home, or the view of blankets of rolling hills at the feet of the tiled steps.

It made perfect sense the Barons would have a showcase ranch. They probably had enough petty cash lying around to buy a ranch, a fleet of cars, a hockey team, or pretty much anything they set their heart on. Right now there was no doubt their hearts were set on the Comets in Houston. There was also little doubt that it had nothing to do with making more money. They had enough.

A different door than they’d come through from the kitchen opened. “Ready to get on the road?”

Paige turned. “We’re ready, sir.” Looking back at Daniel, she smiled. “You can ride with me. Craig will drive Grams and the Governor.”

“Lead the way.” He waved an arm toward the house, and going through still another door, he followed Paige past a wall of family portraits he assumed were Barons of yesteryear. Out the front door, he glanced over his shoulder at the Baron home. From the outside the house reminded him of Tara, the plantation inGone with the Wind. From the inside, he could easily be in any of the castles of the British royal family. Neither of which made sense in ranch country, and yet, somehow, it all seemed to work. Circling around the hood of the SUV, Daniel held the door for Paige and then closed it behind her. As he trotted back to the passenger side, he caught a glimpse of the Governor still at the top of the front steps watching him.