Page 5 of Just One Taste

The way her gaze darted from him to her brother and grandfather and back, Daniel thought for sure she was going to turn and run. Had he made that poor of an impression? A smile similar to the one her grandfather and brother sported slid into place. “I’d be happy to.”

“Good. Good.” The Governor tapped his cane. “We have reservations at Kirby’s.”

Paige nodded and her brother placed his hand on her arm. “Sorry, I can’t join you. Time to get back to the day job. My flight to DC leaves in a couple of hours.”

Her eyes softened, but her smile remained intact as she patted his arm. “No problem.” The genuine affection arcing between the two siblings brought a smile to Daniel’s face. The interaction reminded him of his own brother. Thirteen months his junior, his brother Henry and him had been as close as twins. Hockey had been both their passions. The best years of his life had been the two years they’d played on the same team before his accident, but he wasn’t going down that particular memory lane.

The Governor slapped him on the back. “I’d say you’re in good hands. Do you have all my numbers in case of anything?”

The thought occurred to Daniel, if he called at midnight, the Governor would probably answer and respond to any whim. “I have all of your contact information. Thank you for the winery tour and the welcome to Houston, sir.”

The two men shook hands. A few more encouraging words from the Governor to his granddaughter and the three men turned and made their way to the parking lot.

Daniel kept his gaze on the men’s backs as they chatted by the cars. “They really want this hockey team.”

She leaned against the back bar, studying him. “Doesn’t everyone? I mean, all the applicants?”

“They do, but in just a few hours I can see an intent that I haven’t noticed yet.”

Her smile grew even wider and her eyes twinkled with delight. “They often get what they want.”

“Thanks for the warning.”

“Just a fact.” Her grin remained intact. As a matter of fact, her gaze held a confidence that made him feel as if she knew something he didn’t but should. “I won’t be easily swayed.”

She shrugged and pushed away from the bar. “You never know.”

Lifting the glass of wine in front of him, he took a slow sip. “Why don’t you tell me more about the wine business.”

One of her eyebrows cocked up. “You’re interested in wine?”

He was interested in Paige and the wine business came with it. “Anything can be interesting if someone has a passion for it. Anyone with eyes and ears can see you love this place.”

“I do. When I landed here I found a home. I mean, I love my condo, and the ranch has always been a favorite place for the whole family to gather, but here…” She waved her arm in a sweeping motion. “The dirt beneath my fingers, the roll of the hills, the perfect alignment of every vine as far as the eye can see, the dew drops on the grapes in the early morning, and then, mixing and mastering the perfect blends of savory wine, all of it feels like a little piece of heaven on earth.”

Looking out at the vineyards he could see why she loved it. “You like roses too?”

Paige chuckled. “Yes, but that’s not why there’s a rose bush at the head of every row. Roses and grapes are vulnerable to the same diseases, but roses aren’t as hardy. If the roses are infested then we can treat the grapes before it’s a problem.”

“I see.”

“I learned that trick from the vineyards in France. They all have rose bushes at the lead of the rows.” Her gaze drifted off into the distance and heavy silence fell.

“Anything wrong?”

Her head snapped around to face him. “Sorry, just thinking. I have to taste something from one of the tanks. Today is the halfway point of its aging. Would you like to taste it with me?”

“As long as having any clue what I’m tasting isn’t a requirement.”

That brought out the sincere chuckle he’d hoped for. “Not at all. As a matter of fact, it would be helpful to get a layman’s point of view.”

He bit back a grin of his own. “I might lead you astray.”

She shook her head. “I doubt it. Besides, I wouldn’t be a Baron if I weren’t willing to take chances. Follow me.”

Setting the glass down on the counter, he watched her cross the large room. The question running through his mind now was how much of a chance on Houston was he willing to take?

Paige asking Daniel into the tank room had been impulsive. Now that he was here she was second-guessing herself. She wasn’t ready to share her projects, so why did she invite this man of all people to taste something only she had ever tasted? Scrawled on each tank was the grape and the date it had been put in the tank. She’d found that to be the best method of identifying each tank’s contents because when necessary, she could easily wipe off the markings. He studied each one with an intensity she hadn’t expected. Did he know more about grapes and wine than he’d let on? She crooked her finger over her shoulder. “The vintage I want to taste is back here.”