She really did not remember this guy being quite so… bossy. Yes, she knew his family had plenty of money, but apparently it came with plenty of attitude as well. Of course, sitting across the classroom from a twenty-year-old didn’t exactly make for a window into his soul. “If there are eggs in that nest, you won’t have a choice.”
Craig’s gaze narrowed slightly and for a few seconds she wondered if perhaps he had recognized her, but then his expression went completely blank and she tossed her thought aside. He brushed his hands and shook his head. “There’s always a choice.”
Yep, definitely did not remember him as bossy or arrogant but apparently he was both, and if he did indeed take ownership of the old barn any time soon, he was also in for a very big surprise.
Chapter Three
Of all the things Craig had expected to stumble onto today, the beautiful redhead from his college Spanish Lit class was not one of them. It had definitely taken a few minutes to connect the dots. Hair cropped just above her shoulders threw him off, but even with once sparkling eyes chilled with concern, there was no mistaking that face. When realization dawned, he had no doubt this was the same redhead. He could still remember the first day of classes. After a summer of late nights and later mornings, he’d reluctantly dragged himself out of bed. Not quite ready to take on the world, he’d snapped to attention like a pedigree dog on point as soon as he spotted her.
A red-blooded American male, he couldn’t miss the flowing head of sun-kissed hair draped down a back that narrowed to her tiny waist, not quite reaching the rounded hips that swayed their way across the quadrangle. So mesmerized by the beauty strolling away from him, his buddy elbowed him muttering something aboutpick his tongue up off the floor.
Feeling sorry for himself after missing his chance to catch up to her, not that he’d had a clue what he would have said had he actually intercepted her, he’d moped around campus all afternoon. Seated in his last class of the day, he’d almost swallowed his tongue when he looked up and who should walk through the door? His redhead. Having only seen her from behind, he was totally blown away by her sparkling green eyes and bright grin.
The downside, because life had a way of always tossing a downside into the mix, only inches behind her, a tall, what most women would probably call hunk, said something that made her laugh. Craig still remembered the odd sense of irritation that had kicked in and made him want to growl at the guy. Instead, he casually kept an eye on her as she took a seat beside Mr. Hunk. She’d laughed, giggled, blushed, and a few times they’d leaned into each other to whisper something no one else was meant to hear. In other words, his mind-numbing redhead was taken.
All semester he’d watched the two arrive and leave together, and debated if he should just step in and ask her out anyway. The problem with that was two-fold. First, he knew both his mother and grandmother would come down hard on him for poaching another man’s girl. Second, one thing he never wanted was to be looked upon as being a chip off his father’s philandering block. Not that Craig was attached to any one lady to be considered a philanderer, but he wasn’t a man-ho either, so he did nothing. Not even towards the end of the school year when watching her and Mr. Hunk walking up the street and Craig realized all along she’d been living only two doors down from the townhouse he and his roomies shared.
Even though he hated to admit it, he’d kept an eye out for her on campus right up until the day he graduated, but had never had the chance to run into her again. Until today he hadn’t even known her full name, and had no idea if she’d broken up with Mr. Hunk or married him. He couldn’t resist quickly glancing in the direction of her left hand.No ring.
How silly was it of him that he wanted to do a fist pump. A lot of years had passed since college and Spanish Lit class and the old house on Elm Street. Other than she was probably the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, he knew very little about her. Something he had every intention of correcting.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news.” Devlin cleared his throat. “But you’re trespassing.”
Kate’s eyes rounded as wide as the owl now peering down at them. “I am n…, I mean…” Her back stiffened and a fire reappeared in her eyes. “I’m sure once the owners realize they have a protected species nesting on their property they won’t object to me hanging around until I can get some decent photos.”
“Perhaps, but I’m afraid, now that I know you’re here without my clients’ permission, I have to either wait for you to leave, or call the police.”
She seemed to grow an extra inch as her spine grew stiffer. “No need. I can leave.” In sharp, jerky motions, she reached for the sleeping bag at her feet.
“Here.” Craig hurried forward. “Let me help you gather your things.”
“I don’t need any help, Mr. Baron.”
Sucking in a deep wince, he wasn’t sure his name had ever sounded so dirty before. “Please call me Craig.”
One brow rose as those fiery green eyes glared at him. “That won’t be necessary.”
Her arms laden with the few things she’d gathered together, she spun around on her heel and lifted her chin at Dev. “Tell your clients that they can expect to be hearing from the Fish and Game Commission soon.” Not waiting for his response, she stormed out.
At the sound of an engine roaring to life, he realized she’d parked her car behind the barn and out of the line of sight of the road. “She seemed pretty ticked off.”
Dev nodded.
“Did we have to throw her out?”
His cousin slowly turned his head to face Craig and shot a steely glare at him that made the one Kate had given him look down right friendly. “You may not have to answer to anyone, but I have a license I’d like to keep. Heaven forbid she did something to burn the place down or compromise the property in any way.”
“She’s not like that.”
“And you know this how?”
For a moment he considered telling his cousin it was just a hunch, but what was the point of that. “We went to college together. She’s a nice girl.” Or was.
“Funny, she didn’t say anything about knowing you.”
Craig shrugged. “That might be because she didn’t know I was alive back then.”
“That’s got to be a first.” Amusement danced in Devlin’s eyes. “Still, if the owners found out I knew she was here, I’d be selling designer knockoffs on a street corner.”