Page 7 of Demon

“They know some of it. The fucking warden took the fuck off at the first sign of trouble. I’m headed down there now. I think my…wife might be there too.”

“You want me to go look for her.”

“That bitch sent my daughter into a prison for a stack of fucking papers. If you see her, shoot her.”

Yeah, me and this guy can do business together.

“I’ll call you back when I find something out.” There’s a long pause before he continues, “Tell her I love her.”

I hang the phone up and tell Eden her father loves her. I look around the room. I have a guard bleeding all over the place, a snack-sized inmate, and an angel as backup. The phone rings but it isn’t Eden’s father on the other end. It’s a SWAT member asking me what ‘we’ want and what has to be done to end the riot. Like I know why this fucking happened because all of us think alike.

“Get Edmond Granger!”

I hang up and settle down in the chair behind the desk. Eden kneels down by Adam and talks to him softly. I don’t like it.

“Eden,” her eyes flash up, “come here.”

She hesitates but eventually stands and starts walking to me. When she’s close I reach out and wrap my hand around her wrist pulling her into my lap. She gasps and puts her hands up to catch herself since I jerked her off balance. I understand that’s what happened but all my body knows is that Eden is in my lap and her hands are on my chest.

“Hey…” Adam struggles to sit up.

“No, Adam! I…I…we…it’s alright.” She waves her hands around. “We’re…um…”

“She’s mine!”

Cricket goes over to Adam and starts talking to him, helping him settle back down in a comfortable position. Even though he lays back he doesn’t give up, “Her choice or yours?”

“Mine. I…he saved me, Adam. From Robert.”

A look of pain crosses Adam’s face. I know the look. I’ve seen it on other men’s faces when they realize one of their own has betrayed them. This time he lets Cricket help him and closes his eyes.

“Is he going to be alright?”

I look over at the wounded guard before I answer her, never wanting to tell her a lie. “He’ll be alright. Better if we can get this fucking riot under control soon.”

“He has a wife and a baby on the way.” She says it softly, but I can already tell…Eden is led by her heart. She would bawl her eyes out if something awful happened to the guard causing his wife and unborn baby pain.

“He’s lucky you fought to bring him along.”

“He was always…kind to me.” She shifts on my knee but won’t give me her eyes.

“You mean he didn’t stare at your tits and lick his lips.” This time her eyes do come back to mine. She gives me a nod, telling me my words are closer to the truth than hers.

“Sometimes…I was afraid of the guards more than I was the prisoners.” She starts playing with the end of my white tank under my prison top that’s ridden up. “The prisoners were always behind glass, always handcuffed or shackled. The guards…they didn’t have anything stopping them if they…”

“Wanted to hurt you.”

She swallows, “Yeah. They don’t like my father because of the work he does.” She shrugs, “I guess they don’t like me by extension.”

“No, angel. They liked you just fine.” My hand falls on her knee causing her to jump. “They saw something as fresh as you and wanted you for themselves. Some men can’t handle their sins.”

“Sins?” The word comes out as a squeak as I run my hand up under her skirt, touching the soft as butter skin on the inside of her leg.

“Lust. Greed. Gluttony. Given how close you are, you embody at least five of the seven. Maybe more.”


“Hmm, lust and greed are a given. No one who looks at you can’t help but want you with a greed that would eat a man up.”