Page 1 of Demon

Chapter One



I stand in line and wait my turn. I’ve been waiting a long time it seems. All there is to do in here is wait. Wait and watch your fucking back. This place… makes you feel more like an animal than a man. Some of the men here have long forgotten what they started out as. They’ve lost their humanity. It’s the only way to survive here.

That and think about what you did that put you here. Not like people walking around on the outside want you to think about it. No. You start replaying shit, trying to figure out where you went wrong so you won’t fuck up again. Prison doesn’t stop a person from doing the shit again, it helps them figure out how to do it and not get caught. After all, all you have in prison is time. Time to go back, time to replay things mentally, time to recreate and redo perfectly. It’s why so many mother fuckers wind up back in here.

Me? What did I do to get locked away like an animal? I killed a man. Actually, I killed three but they only found one. But all three deserved to die. They were all bad guys. All three tried to attack me thinking they would have better luck if they ganged up on me. They were wrong.

Being six foot six and wider than a fucking bus puts a target on your back right from birth. Every limp-dicked, small-cocked mother fucker that has a predisposition to be a fucking bully comes at you. I learned pretty quickly the only way you can talk to some people is with your fists. Some men just need beating. Some need killing.

Never women and children. I’m not a fucking monster even if they call me The Demon in here. They call me that because I wouldn’t hesitate to plant a shiv in anyone’s back, I have no affiliation, no loyalty -except to myself, and the prison hierarchy doesn’t fucking apply to me. As the guards say - the only thing that can control me is the damned devil that made me. And he ain’t in here. One of the gangs found that out my first night in. They sent a ‘representative’ over to speak to me right before lockdown. He ended up in the infirmary. The next time they tried to request my presence in their little gang they made the mistake of trying to fuck a guard up to get to me. I saw and put a stop to it. Those men wound up with broken faces because they fell and hit the sink…at the same time and I wound up with my moniker.

The gangs backed off after that and the guards started calling me The Demon. I’ve been shanked twice, cut more times than bacon, and one motherfucker tried to strangle me with ripped-up bedsheets. Every one of those contestants won a lovely parting gift of broken bones and a round-trip ticket to a stay in the infirmary. I’ve only been in for two years of my fifteen-year stint.

One of the reasons it’s hard to kill me is because I just don’t give a shit. I’m not afraid of death, I don’t care about power or wealth. All I care about is making it out of here so I don’t die in this hellhole. Until…

“Would you look at that?”

The sound of Cricket’s voice right by my side recalls me back to where I am. For just a second…I felt like I was…somewhere else.

Cricket is my cellmate and a pretty chill guy. Most of the time.

“Pussy so fresh you can almost taste it from here, mmm.”

A growl slips from deep down inside of me. Everyone around me takes a step back…including the guards. Everyone, except Cricket.

“Oh okay, D. I got it. She’s yours and I like my eyes so I’m not looking anymore. Who we even talking about? I don’t know. ‘Cause I don’t see anyone.”

Damn right, he ain’t seeing anything. Because the little creature standing in front of the guards’ office on the other side of the glass has already been claimed. By me! I lick my bottom lip and stare openly. Why not stare? There isn’t a mother fucker alive that’s going to tell me no when I come to take that soft little angel. I’m shuffled through one of the locked doors even as my mind starts spinning with ideas and thoughts of the heavenly creature standing outside.

I need information. I need a name. I need to find out why this sweet innocent is in this place. And I need to find a way to protect her until I can get to her. The atmosphere of the prison pops and crackles with a new energy. An aura hangs over the whole place, one of expectancy. Something is up. Something is about to happen. Everyone can feel it, everyone can tell something’s coming. I let the feeling set in and bide my time. Something is about to happen, and I need to be ready when it does.

And this corner of hell…just got a whole lot more dangerous. All because of a little angel that came knocking on my door. This Demon just found an angel he’s coming after. And there will be hell to pay for anybody that stands in my way!

Chapter Two



“Hey Adam,” I speak to the one guard who doesn’t make me feel like my skin is going to crawl off my body. When I come here, I try to always talk to him, if at all possible.

“What are you doing here, girl? Don’t you know this is no place for a young girl like you?”

And that is why I always try to speak to him, “Vicki left some paperwork here again. Do you think you can look in the interview room for me?”

“Yeah, just wait here and let me go check.” He gives me a warm smile even as he turns around cursing the fact I’m here. If he could, he would wring my stepmother’s neck.

I shift from foot to foot, wholly uncomfortable in this entire building. He’s right. I don’t have any right to be in this place. It is a prison after all, and I’ve not done anything to be here. Nothing except love for my father.

My dad is a lawyer who specializes in wrongful prosecution and unlawful arrests. It doesn’t make him very popular with the police force but some of the prisoners really like him. Either reason makes a visit to the prison a nightmare for me. And the time of year doesn’t help either. There is nothing spookier than a prison, so the closer it gets to Halloween the more my imagination runs away with me envisioning all sorts of bad things.

But I don’t want my dad to suffer because I’m a chicken and don’t want to do this favor for my stepmother. If I hadn’t come, she would have sent my father back here after he got home from work which can be late into the night. So, I’m here, even though I hate it. Not just because of the inmates either. The guards look at me the same way the convicts do, at least the convicts are behind bars and can’t reach me.

I’m not stupid or naïve. I know not to get too close, to stick to the guards that don’t stare overly long, and to get in and out as quickly as I can. Adam comes out of the first interview room mumbling about my stepmother as he goes into the second one.