Page 15 of Demon

“The girl? Eden? You want my daughter?”

I nod.

“Go to hell.” He jumps up and heads for the door. I don’t move.

I’ve already read the guy. I know how he works. His hand lands on the knob but he doesn’t turn it. He stops, just staring at the smooth metal and gray paint.

“Why did you keep her safe before?”

“She asked me to.” He turns and looks at me, confusion in his eyes.

“And yet you won't do it now?”

“I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. I said you need to get good with the idea that your daughter belongs to me.”


I turn to look right at him. “She knew right from the beginning what kind of man I was, that she could trust me. Do you trust your daughter’s judgment? Or are you going to doubt how you brought her up? After all, you raised her to be a smart, kind woman who can take care of herself in any situation. She didn’t need me. She just chose me.”

He comes back over to the table and sits down heavily in the chair he just vacated. “I have never been so furious at someone while at the same time being so charmed by them. I don’t know whether to kill you or hire you.”

We sit in silence and look at one another. “If you hurt my daughter, you won’t get a chance to go back in. Understood?”

The smile that stretches across my face probably does nothing to help the man decide what to do with me. But I think we realize where we are both coming from now.

Chapter Thirteen



I reread the same page I’ve read ten times today. Today was the day my dad was going to go see Demon. I’ve been going out of my mind for the last couple of days. I keep asking Dad if he can find out how Demon is doing and if he’s okay. I really want to know if he’s alright since Dad told me he got hurt.

It doesn’t help that my stepmother’s went AWOL, and my dad suspects she’s run off with one of her clients. He won’t tell me, but I wonder if it has anything to do with the riot. I jump out of my skin when my phone starts vibrating across my nightstand.

I barely bring it to my ear before I’m rushing through the pleasantries with my father. “Dad, did you get to see him? Is he alright? Was he still hurt?”

“He seems to be in good health.”

“Did, um, he ask about me?” The long pause doesn’t do my ego any favors. I rush past the question, so it doesn’t sound so fucking needy. “Does he like the new prison? They treat him well?”

I try to pretend not to care as much as I do by adopting this semi-bored voice, but I’ve already given myself away. “He’s been granted an emergency hearing tomorrow.”

“Oh, that soon? Wow. You think it will go alright for him?”

“It looks promising. We’ll know something soon, I’m sure. Where are you going to be today?”

That’s an odd question. “Um, just home. I’m not really up for going anywhere just yet.”

It’s not a lie. I’ve been jumpy and restless ever since the riot and it’s been hard for me to focus on anything really. Time and time again, I’ll go back to the times I shared with Demon, picking apart every second we were together. Did he feel the same way or was it just an opportunistic thing for him? If he felt the way I do, wouldn’t he have tried to get in contact with me somehow? Called? Asked my father about me when he saw him?

I just can’t get my mind to stop.

“Well, keep the door locked, and don’t let anyone in?”

“I won’t, dad. I promise. Love you.”

Just as I sit my phone down, I hear something that has me sitting up and listening a little harder. The noise comes again and has my heart beating harder and faster than before. I put my book down and stand up not taking a breath for fear of making a noise. Something is definitely off. I make my way to the door with my phone in my hand held tightly.