Page 9 of Demon


I can tell she’s about to cum for me, to give me what I want. I don’t just want her to hand her body over to me but I’m smart enough to realize if that comes the rest will follow. She’s so wet both her thighs and my palm are soaked, and I have to be careful, so the others won’t hear her wet pussy kissing my fingers.

I want so badly to enter her, to allow my fingers to fall back and sink into the warm softness of her entrance, but I need to get her ready for that. I don’t want my fingers to cheat my dick out of the privilege of popping that sweet cherry. I watch her trying to fight it, trying to stave off the inevitable. She will cum for me. She will be mine in every way. Tears brim in her eyes as the struggle comes to an end.

And then the phone starts ringing, causing Eden to jump in my arms and the other men to look over at us. I breathe through the rage that automatically builds over the fact I didn’t get to make Eden cum. I fight back the urge to break the goddamn phone since we kinda need it. “Go ahead and answer it, angel.”

She reaches a shaky hand out to pick the receiver up. “H…hello?” Her voice quivers as she says the word. “Daddy.” Her relief can be easily heard in her voice, or at least I can hear it.

She listens for a little while, answering questions he asks, and then turns to me. Our hands bump as I take the receiver from her, hers are cold and shaky. I hold the receiver up to my ear and never take my eyes off her. “Yeah, I’m here.”

I bring my fingers to my mouth as I listen to her father on the other side. There’s something very filthy about talking to her father as I have the taste of her on my tongue and happen to be licking her pussy cream from my fingers. Eden realizes it too if the way she’s shaking says anything. Her eyes watch as I drag my tongue up the finger that played with her perfect little clit.

“Adam,” I take my hand away from my mouth and finally pull my eyes from Eden, “how many guards were working when the riot started? Do you know?”

He thinks for a minute and then shakes his head. “I know three were working with me and maybe nine more. Maybe.”

I relay the information to Eden’s father who has taken over from the SWAT guy who called me last time. “They want to know if any of them can help them?”

“Help them what? Knit a fucking hat. I don’t even know if those guys are still alive.”

“I know. It’s a stupid thing to ask but they wanted to know.” The man sounds just as fed up as I am with the incompetence.

“Why don’t they quit jerking off and actually try to end this shit.”

“On that note, I’m turning you over to the SWAT guys. They’re running the show as far as the riot goes.”

I spend the next thirty minutes on the phone with the head of the SWAT team. The team wants to breech the prison which is a dumb as fuck idea, especially the way they want to do it. We all realize it, Eden’s dad realizes it, a fucking near-sighted nun could tell how bad an idea it is, but the SWAT team can’t. I hang up and look at the couch where Adam is lying. Cricket has passed out on the floor right in front of it which leaves me and Eden as the only two awake.

And she owes me.

“Do you think, um, we’ll make it out of this? Alive?” Her eyes are open and honest, too soft and sweet to have seen the shit she saw today. It pisses me off that she’s been put in this situation.

“I think you’ll make it out alive because I won’t allow any other outcome.” Her eyes still hold all the worry they had before. “I realize you don’t know me, don’t understand how I operate, but I’ll tell you so you can start to understand. I don’t say things I don’t mean. I don’t make empty threats or promises. I don’t go around saying shit that isn’t true. Even if everyone else in this room has to die, you will make it out. If I have to burn down the whole goddamn prison to make it so, you will make it out.”

“Now come back over here and let me rub on that tight little pussy again.”

“Oh my God! Demon!” She turns around to find the two men asleep. She starts to back up, but I reach out and grab her by the wrist. “We…I…I don’t want them to hear me.”

I settle her across my leg. “They won’t.”

I spin the chair around so that it’s facing away from the two sleeping men. I knock her legs apart and trail my hands up her inner thighs. Hers go to my wrist and tries to hold me back. Like that’s going to happen. “You wouldn’t be about to tell me no, would you? Not after our little agreement.”

“I…,” her grip loosens, “I’m not, no. I just… Don’t you want to just do it? It must have been a long time since you’ve been with someone. Why not just rush right to the good part?”

I sit back and look her over trying to figure out why a woman like this would want me to rush to the end and take what she’s offered.

“How old are you?”

My question catches her by surprise. “I, um, I’m nineteen.”

“Nothing more than a baby.” I slowly rub her thigh, getting her used to the touch of my hand and the feel of my skin against hers. “Your stepmother sent you here.”

She nods even though it’s not a question. “She…doesn’t like me very much.”

“Then she’s a jealous whore.”
