Page 16 of Demon

I barely get the door open before a loud crash sends me stumbling back so fast I lose my footing and go down. Even as I’m falling, I’m looking around trying to find something to defend myself with. There is literally nothing in the room to use. I don’t even have fucking hair spray in here because all of that is in the hall bathroom.

I go back to the door on my hands and knees. This time when I open the door, I spot something moving on the landing that has me thinking about alternative solutions to being armed. This time I’m moving fast until I can shimmy my way under my bed. I have to control my breathing or else it’s not going to do any good to hide because I can be heard. I try hard even as the door to my room slowly opens. I was never any good at hide and seek as a kid. I always got too worked up and ended up giving myself away.

Boots come through the door and stand for just a minute. I can almost see the person looking into the room. Heavy black boots come closer and stop in the middle of the floor. I don’t have to wait long to find out what the person is doing. He’s picking up my phone. God damn it, I dropped my phone when I fell on my ass and never picked it back up.

I shove my hand to my mouth, so I don’t start cussing myself. The boots turn and walk out the door. I don’t move though or even take deep breaths. I wait and listen. When I don’t hear anything else I cautiously peek out from under the bed skirt without moving it too much. The floor is empty. Whoever was in my room took my phone.

I try not to freak out. Yes, someone is in my house. Someone other than my father since my dad doesn’t wear big biker boots. Yes, now I don’t have a phone and there isn’t a landline in the house so I can’t call for help. But the guy did leave…right? I just have to stay where I’m at until my father gets home. Only…what if he doesn’t come home until way late tonight? Or what happens if I have to pee? I kinda have to pee, damn it. See, this is why I suck at hide-and-seek!

Against my better judgment, I slowly slip from my hiding spot and crawl as quietly as I can over to the door so I can listen for any sound that might tell me someone is still there. I slowly open the door after a long pause where I don’t hear anything at all. I peek out into the hall but don’t see anything.

And then I’m falling forward as the door is jerked open fully but instead of landing on my face arms wrap around me and pull me from the floor. I fight to break free, kicking and thrashing around. Instead of thinking about my father or what will happen to me, all I can think about…is Demon.

Will my father still help him now that I won’t be here to push him? Will he remember me? Will he be sad when he finds out what happened? Angry that he kept me safe for nothing since I ended up dead anyway?

“Stop, angel.” There is only one person who has ever called me that. I go still thinking my mind has broken and I’m hearing what I want to since it can’t be who I think it is.


“You’re not safe, little angel.” I pull out of his arms and turn to look at the man standing in front of me.

It looks like Demon, but it can’t be. The man standing in front of me isn’t in a prison uniform. He is in all black and looking hotter than hell. I turn in his arms as he slowly lowers me to my feet. I reach out to touch his face, so familiar but different now. “I…,” then his words sink into my numbed mind, “what? What do you mean I’m not safe?”

“You have to come with me. I’ll keep you safe.”

I don’t understand any of this. How did he get out? Why didn’t my father say he was already out when we talked? Why does he want me to go with him?

“I…no, I can’t go with you. My father…”

“Sent me. Your father sent me.” That doesn’t sound right.

“But…he didn’t say anything. He said your hearing was tomorrow. Why wouldn’t he tell me you were coming for me?”

“We don’t have time for this?”

I put my hand up to his chest to stop him. “Why wouldn’t my father say something about you coming to get me?”

“Because your fucking stepmother is trying to kill you.” His words have my hand going slack as he picks me back up and starts walking to the staircase. “She helped someone escape so he could do the job for her. Your father thinks they are watching him and what he is doing. He knew if he told you I was already out and coming to pick you up they might try something before, and we couldn’t keep you safe.”

“Okay but wait. I…where are we going? I need clothes. Demon, I can’t go out like this.” I’m only wearing a thin tank with bottoms that don’t do much more than cover my backside. Demon stops walking to the stairs and looks me up and down.

I try not to act like I can feel his eyes as they run over my body like the ends of his fingertips and instead start making my way back to the bedroom. He grabs my wrist to keep me from going any further. When I stop to look back, he yanks me off balance until I’m falling. Right into his arms.

Something has definitely changed between the two of us but I can’t quite lay my finger on what it is. His hand comes up and runs along my jawline before dropping to the soft skin of my neck and lower. My breath catches as he touches me like he owns me. “You got two minutes, angel. Then I’m coming in and you’re going with me, one way or another. I have no problem taking you out of this house naked.”

As soon as he’s finished speaking, I’m taking off for the bedroom breathing hard and running for my life. The difference isn’t a mystery anymore. The Demon I met was caged, trapped. Now…someone let the animal out and there’s nowhere I can go that Demon won’t follow.

Chapter Fourteen



I lick my lips as Eden runs for her room and I follow at a slower pace. Sweet little thing doesn’t even realize. My mouth tilts up in a devilish grin. For all that she’s been through, she’s still so innocent.

I walk up to the door where she’s not closed it all the way. Maybe she expects me to not look. Maybe none of the other men she’s been around would. But she’s not dealing with those men. They can’t get the job done. I can. And I don’t plan to do it by being a god damned gentleman.

Seeing her in that little bitty tank that barely covers her tits and those thin little cotton shorts showing more than they’re hiding is making it hard to remember that we’re not somewhere I can keep her safe. And that comes first. Eating her tight little pussy will have to wait until I get her to the compound.