“Yeah, I’m okay.” He eyes me and I know I’m being railroaded. “Marin will be my nurse. We’ve got burn cream in the medicine chest. You guys…just don’t start acting out the Judy vs Jerry showdown.”

They go back to ignoring us as Davis winks and tips his head to the hall. “I need medical care.”

I roll my eyes as his looks turns hungry and wet warmth explodes between my legs. “You need mental health care, is what you need, and to ask for forgiveness because you just burned yourself on purpose in order to not have to learn to cook. You are troubled, Mr. Davis Ray. Troubled.”

He rolls his sexy hazel eyes, pressing his boot to my butt in a mock kick, urging me forward down the hall to the master bedroom. He shoulders the door shut behind us and nods toward the bathroom. “In there.”

“Are you seriously hurt?” I ask as I tighten my brow and reach for his hand.

“I’m fine. Get in the bathroom.”

We’ve spent plenty of time together in the shower and with me bent over the counter, and sitting on the counter, and down on my knees, but there’s something different going on here.

Tingles ripple down my back as he ushers me inside with heavy hands on my shoulders and points toward the commode.

I’m right confused at this point, but Davis stands like a statue waiting for me to comply.

“You have to pee, don’t you?” he asks and I slow nod, trying to puzzle together if this is a new sexy time thing or what.

“Yeahhhhhh. You’ve been force hydrating me for the last hour. My bladder is bursting.”

“Good. Take your pants down but don’t go yet.” He turns toward the double vanity where he fucked me bent over while I tried to brush my teeth this morning.

The ample-sized rustic bathroom still makes Davis look larger in the smaller space. His blue flannel is rolled up above his elbows and his forearms areepic. Thick with veins and dusted with dark hair and the sinuous muscle flexes and moves under his tan skin.

Uggg. His forearms are directly connected to my bang-me button and I’m not even the least bit ashamed. But, I’m trying to put together what’s gonna happen right now and for the life of me, as creative as I am, I’m not seeing his vision.

He rustles in one of the drawers of the vanity and pulls out a small box, his thick fingers working the top in an attempt to get at whatever is inside.

“Pants down,” he commands and my belly tumbles. He growls as he fumbles with the little box, finally ripping it in half and two white plastic things about the size of a toothbrush come flying out. One hits the wall, the other Davis catches in midair as he steps my way.


“Pregnancy test,” he says, like it’s the most normal thing in the world.

I swallow hard. I know they make them, I’ve just never seen one nor imagined I’d be taking one at eighteen after meeting a mountain man in a cabin where my grandfather dumped me for the winter.

Phew. That’s a lot.

Nevertheless, I’ve been a willing participant in Davis’s rather obsessive need to test out the functioning level of my womb, so…

He picks up the pamphlet that fell to the floor, squinting at the microscopic print on a sneer, then tosses it in the trash can on a sniff. “Pants down and sit, but don’t pee until I tell you to.”

This is leveltwenty-bananas but by the set of his jaw and the way he’s holding the little green and white stick, aimed at me like a gun, he’s as serious as a heart attack.

I wiggle my jeans and panties over my hips and down my legs and Davis drops to his knees in front of me as I sit, tugging the fabric down to my ankles.

“I’m not sure I can pee with an audience. I get stage fright.”

“Well, sooner or later your body will do the right thing and I’ll be ready when it does.” He meets my eyes with a rare smile that turns me into a marshmallow. “Just picture Niagara Falls.” He reaches over and turns the knob on the closest sink to full blast so the sound of the rushing water fills the room.

Then he pops the little top off the test and tosses it over his shoulder. It chitters across the tile floor as he muscles his body between my legs until the insides of my knees brush the sides of his torso.

“Now, pee.” He holds the stick just under where…well, where you’d think it should go but instead of peeing, I burst out laughing.

His forehead tightens as he brushes the back of his other hand over his grimace. “This isn’t funny. I think you are pregnant, and I want to know. I want to know if I’m a father the day I take root inside you. The tests I bought say they can detect pregnancy within a day of conception. I don’t want to miss anything. Now, stop laughing and pee.”

Watching this huge mountain man on his knees, holding the pee stick between my legs, barking orders is more than my little heart can take.