Page 48 of Flip Shot

“What do you say, Cielo? Would you drive me and Koa home?”

“I didn’t drive here.”

He shakes his head. “But you’re here, right here. I’m asking you to go home with me, not him. Take me home. Stay with me. Drive my vehicle.”

“Rivera say what?” Evan Smith nearly chokes on his drink.

“Riley, babe, that’s the equivalent to him tattooing your name across his forehead.” Leo Stone shakes his head. “He doesn’t let anyone drive his ride.”

Dean wraps his arm around me and pulls me into a side hug. “Don’t even ask to drive his ride. I offered him a grand once to let me drive the hoe, and he looked at me like I asked if I could have a go at his mother.”

“The fuck is wrong with you?” Theo whirls around … and nearly falls.

Evan wraps an arm around Theo. “Costello, you’re late to the gameagain. She didn’t. He asked her to drive it home.”

“No shit?” Dean asks me.

I shrug because,What’s the big deal?

“That’s even deeper than him telling all of Bleachers that he wants to love on your monkey.”

I see Theo glare over my head and look back to see Oz and two of his teammates, Skinner and Grimes, I think.

“See, now I’m gonna have to kick his ass.”

“What?” I gasp.

“Yeah, it’s gonna be ugly because he’s a big dude, but I know damn well I can take him.” He looks from him to me. “It’s gotta be done.”

“No, no, it doesn’t.” I stand in front of him as he steps forward.

“I don’t write the rules, Riley, but I—”

“Fine, I’ll drive you and Koa home, but we leave now, and I’m not staying with you.”

“I mean, that’s the obvious thing to say, but you will.” His eyes narrow over my head again. “Say it to my face, you fried potato eating mother—”

“Back door?” Evan asks Leo.

“Sounds like a plan.” Leo glances at Ellie. “Find Cock.”

She snorts.

“Babe, you know what I mean.”

As they usher Theo, whose head turns so he doesn’t have to break his glare at Oz, Ellie links her arm through mine. “Let’s go Cock hunting.”

“I’ll cock hunt with you.” Kameron winks at me as she links arms with Ellie. “You go say goodnight to your date, yeah?”

“How?” I ask, feeling even worse about the situation than I did before.

“No one who’s seen you and Rivera in the same room hasn’t noticed the fucked up but kind of beautiful mating ritual you two have been doing for close to a year.” Kameron nods toward the bar. “If he’s oblivious, then he’s not paying close enough attention, and that speaks volumes.”

The fact he’s not oblivious makes me feel even more like shit.

He’s surrounded by a crowd of people when I begin to walk toward him. He’s smiling and talking animatedly, having fun.

“He’s good.” Skinner nods toward the door. “There’s a dozen chicks waiting to fill his time.”