Page 46 of Flip Shot

“Not even a little bit.”

“I won’t fuck up your ride. Not a puker.”

“Costello puked in it at the end of last semester, and he wasn’t my roommate. He and I are still good. If it happens, I’ll deal.”

“Won’t happen.”

Thank God.

“Gonna ask, you a fun drunk or an angry one?”

“A quiet one.”

Chapter 12




Thursday September 5th

AmI enjoying the first real date I’ve been on since before the prom catastrophe? I sure am. Oz Hunt is fun, ruggedly handsome, and pulled out all the stops, including picking me up at the house and insisting on paying for an Uber since he doesn’t have a vehicle on campus instead of me driving, with flowers in hand.

When he asked if I wanted to head to Bleachers for a drink after dinner, I of course said, “Let’s do it.” We were having fun, and I didn’t want the date to end.

One of the reasons I wanted to stay in the “wonderful land of Oz” and all that it would surely promise is now standing on the raised stage, drunk, doing … something that resembles karaoke, and he’s doing it rather badly, with Koa.

I glance at Oz, and he’s holding back a laugh. “I’ll play dirty on the field for a win, but you won’t catch me talking shit about someone to make myself look better behind their back.” He then laughs. “Because most of the time, the fools do that all by themselves.”

Then, well, Theo starts to sing slash speak into the mic. “I got a blue and yellow Lincoln bag and a humongous binder. I’m trying my best not to look like I should play in the minors.”

Koa leans in and takes over. “I went out for the hockey team to prove that I’m the man.”

Theo starts in again. “Guess I shouldn’t tell them I love Duran Duran. This is me at Lincoln U, baby.”

And Koa again. “This is me at Lincoln.”

Theo takes the mic and now … now I recognize the song.

He points to someone in the crowd and holds his hand over his heart as he sings the first line… ish.

“If I had Costello’s dollars.”

Koa echoes him, “If I had Costello’s dollars.”

“Well, I’d buy you all a shot.”

Again, Koa echoes him and points in the same direction. “You should buy us all a shot.”

“And if I had Costello’s dollars.”

“If I had Costello’s dollars.”

“I’d buy you a chaser for your shot.”

“Maybe a nice lager or two.”