Page 43 of Flip Shot

I see him look past me and turn to see what he’s looking at.


“He have a problem with his mug?” He chuckles as we walk toward our lecture seats.

“He’s signing,” I say, trying not to smile at Theo.

“Thought he was already signed with a pro team.”

“ASL, American Sign Language,” I explain.

“Oh yeah. What’d he say?”

Beautiful, I think as I sit, but instead, I say, “I’m not sure.”

* * *

Sitting in the theatre room,working on the group project while Gina and Theo are also working on their sections, is driving me nuts. Theo is a freaking grammar whore and doesn’t even give you a second to realize your own mistake before he’s all up in your business and fixing it.

“Asswhole,” I type and laugh at myself when he immediately fixes my purposely misspelled word.

Laughing at myself, my fingers go to town, tapping out, “They’re is know way you thunk I’s beeing realize wit asswhole, Riviera. Hop off my asssssssssssssss and let me fix my own shiz.”

When I see him frantically fixing it, I laugh.

I look up as Cody walks in, fresh from a shower, wearing sweats and a long-sleeved shirt that clings to his body as he looks at the big blank screen, no doubt wondering what my crazy ass is laughing at.

“You good if I watch a movie?”

“Yeah, of course. Which Sandler movie will it be?”

He smirks as he sets his ginormous water bottle down and grabs the remote. “ThinkingWaterboy.”

“Sweet. Football, my favorite.” I grin.

He stretches out on the couch across from me and chuckles.

I chuck an almond at him.

“Why the assault?” He pops it in his mouth.

I throw another. “Why you laughing at me?”

“I know you wanna be a football ‘girlie,’ and no one appreciates that more than I, but I’m not sure you’re out of your hockey ‘era’ yet.”

I air quote his fine but annoying ass right back. “Well ‘I’ think you’re wrong. ‘I’ve’ been to a ‘football game’ and froze my ass of ‘in the rain,’ cheering you all on. Your ‘stupid cheerleaders’ didn’t even get off their asses.”

He sighs. “I find you adorable, and because of that, and the fact we’re living together for a year, I’ll keep my opinion to myself.”

“Smart man.” I wink at him.

When I look back at the screen, I see Theo’s name as he types in the document.

Not gonna lie, today’s been a good day for the ego. Cody Warren just said I was adorable, Theo Rivera told me I was beautiful, and Oz …. well, hell, I guess you win some, you lose some.

* * *

Thursday September 5th