Page 41 of Flip Shot

“Theodore, your hair? It’s …” She can’t even hide the fact she doesn’t approve. “Cut.”

“How do you say it looks like hell without actually saying it looks like hell?” I laugh.

I stop laughing when I see Quincy walk by, shoulders slumped.

“What’s up with Quincy?” I ask.

“Aside from the fact she’s not enjoying her college experience, she had a checkup today and …” Mom shakes her head.

Fuck. “How bad?”

“We knew it was progressing,” Mom says.

“Get her over here?”

“She may not—”


For the next fifteen minutes, I do my best to get her to a good place. I tell her about Gina and how she got new ears over the summer, and that her speech has even gotten better. I remind her of my promise to get into the NHL and make sure she has the best of the best as long as she busts her butt at community college, which she hates. She says it’s like high school but worse because people didn’t know her before the accident. She was popular as hell, even after the accident. Hell, maybe even more so.

I ask her how track is going, and that’s when an invisible weight seems to lift a bit.

“Are you still meeting with—”

“Yes, but this one is no better than the last.” Quincy hates going to counseling. She makes no bones about that and cuts me off every damn time I bring it up.

“You’re going to find one that is.”

“How do you know? You’ve never been.”

“Maybe not, but I believe in it, or I wouldn’t be going to school for psych.”

I get a smile, a quick one, but a smile, nonetheless.

“We got this, Q.”

She nods and signs, “We got this, T.”

Chapter 10



Saturday August 31st

Dear Simone,

My first week of classes, sophomore year, was officially in the books on Thursday. Why Thursday? One perk of being a college athlete is we get to make our schedules a week before it opens up to the rest of the students. Is that fair to the others? Probably not. But this way, we miss far less classes, and I made sure I had Fridays off for competitions, and for Thursday nights.

Recruitment started Wednesday with philanthropy, moved on to sisterhood, pref. Tomorrow at one is bid day where all the recruits find out which house they will be joining. I’m emotionally exhausted, my voice is all but gone, and I am going to say a prayer tonight that my rush crush from day one shows up at KET. If not, I may die. Like, seriously, I love her, and I need her to be my little.

Speaking of crushes, before classes even began, I began developing a new crush. Yes, developing on Oz, who plays football, Simone! For Lincoln. But … hockey boy is back and, once again, making my tummy do flips. And that’s not all. I must decide if I can keep it casual with hockey boy, who I’ve learned so much more about than I ever knew, or if I want to leave the past in the past and see if Oz can do the same.

Lincoln Football beat Southern Illinois tonight. They’re 2-0!

Ending on 3 highs and a low.