Page 4 of Flip Shot

Ending on 2 highs and a low.

H- My girls!

L- TR was brought up.


*they deserve two mentions*



I placethe cap on the pen and roll over to place the journal back in the drawer and the pen back in the case.

As I fluff my pillow before lying down and getting comfy again, I hear the water running in the shower and know Ellie is now off the phone with Leo and getting ready for bed. I pull the mask down to cover my eyes.

Just as my eyes start to get heavy, there’s a knock on the door.

I sit up and push my mask back up to the top of my head. “You don’t have to knock.”

“You okay?” Ellie asks.

“Of course I’m okay. Why?”

She walks over and sits on the end of my bed. “The Riley I know and love doesn’t stop talking until her eyes are closed.”

She’s right; I have always been one to talk and, at times, blabber, often going off on some seriously messed-up tangents because I hate silence. But I didn’t notice I had stopped talking tonight.

“I should warn you since we share a wall, sometimes I don’t even stop then. So, if you wake up, hearing me going on about fifty-one flavors to choose from, or some TikTok I saw, just ignore me.”

She looks at me with a thoughtful smile. “Okay then. But Riley, if you want to talk about anything, anything at all, it stays between you and me, okay?”

And Leo, I think.

“Leo knows what is said between sisters stays between them. He’d never press.”

“Oh my God, I didn’t mean to say that outloud.” I groan into my hands.

She laughs. “You didn’t. I just knew you were thinking it.”

“Double OMG. Now I’ve admitted it.”

She leans in and gives me a hug. “Sleep well, Riley Park.” And then she’s gone.

I am one hundred percent a believer in not holding grudges, and I don’t. But I’m glad that the Theo situation has been addressed, because now, the three of them won’t purposely leave us alone like they did way too many times last year, so he’d make a move. It’s now more than clear that this thing was more them wanting there to be an us, than he and I.


Chapter 2



Saturday, August 17th

Thoroughly annoyed,I grab my phone from my pocket and hitaccept.