Page 21 of Flip Shot

As we passby Uncle Ronnie’s, it feels a bit weird not to have Costello asking me to stop and hit the drive-thru like he has for two years now, and it kind of sucks to not be able to laugh about it with anyone. I know it’ll get better. I mean, it is better. I’m living in an actual apartment and not in freshman and sophomore athlete housing anymore, with a different roommate who plays a different sport each year.

Freshman year, it was TK Timms, a soccer player who was one of the best in the country, and he flunked out at the end of freshman fall semester. I feel bad for the guy, but not too bad since he had no qualms about throwing a sock on the door handle, and at least a handful of times, his hookups caused me to fall asleep on a couch in the lounge. The second half of freshman year, I had a double all to myself.

Sophomore year, I laid down the law immediately, and Hudson Hart, wide receiver for the Lions football team, didn’t bring anyone back to our room.

* * *

Walking into the house,both JT and Dash pause to check themselves out in the entry mirror, trying to be inconspicuous about it.

“Let’s go, pretty boys,” I grumble quietly, as to not embarrass them, even though they deserve it.

“My hair look okay, Rivera?” Koa smirks.

“Looks sexy as hell.” I wink.

“You made it!” Kameron greets us, hugging me then Koa.

“You start without us?” I laugh, seeing that she’s a bit less composed than Kameron Kostas usually is.

“We’re no longer a red cup and beer house; we’re sipping girls now.” Her smile is blinding. “Your friend, Hart, is here with Oz and”—she cocks her head to the side in thought—“another big guy who plays defensive line, but I can’t remember his name.” She waves a hand through the air then turns, and we follow her toward the kitchen. “Doesn’t matter. Just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for getting some of the team here. Cody hasn’t met many outside of practice, and they have their first game on Monday night. You think you guys could come?”

“Rivera”—Hart walks over—“thanks for the call.”

We do the half hug thing. “No problem, man.”

Kameron puts her hands on her hips. “I think this is the year hockey and football support each other. What do you think?”

I glance at Ellie who mouths, “She’s had a couple.”

I look back at Kameron. “I mean, yeah, of course.”

“Perfect.” She claps then looks at Koa. “You know, you should be playing footb—”

“Where’s the love, Kami?” I ask, holding a hand over my heart.

One of Harts friends—Oz, I think—lifts his glass. “Fuck love, right, little Riles?”


“Hell,likeisn’t even necessary when it comes to getting sweaty and …” Riley clinks her glass to his.

Getting sweaty?I’m not a betting guy, but if I was, I’d bet she wasn’t talking about anything appropriate for a girl like Riley, in a room full of testosterone-driven assholes. And yeah, I know that’s the pot calling the kettle black, but I do not give a flying fuck.

“Riles, you gotta like the person you’re—”

“Playing Jenga with?” Ellie cuts Oz off.

He smirks at Riley. She smirks back. I wanna bitch-slap him.

“Is it my turn again?” Leah asks, reaching over the island to grab a wooden block.

Grace bats it away. “We have new players now.”

“I’m gonna need a drink or two before I start playing games.” JT chuckles.

“I was just about to say the same thing.” Dash follows him over to where Ellie’s lining up glasses.

“Fuck it, I’ll give it a go.” Koa rubs his hands together.