Page 15 of Flip Shot

“What?” I ask defensively.

He shakes his head. “Nothing.”

“Bullshit, Warren, spill it.”

“Just heard you were someone who required”—he pauses a moment—“wooing.”

“Wooing?” I snort.

Cody’s looking a bit uncomfortable which, after spending time with him today, is unlike the man whose confidence is so strong that it’s he seems to have a forcefield around him. He’s attractive. Very, very attractive.So attractive.

I wonder if maybe he and Kami parted ways because he’s packing a pinkie winkie, but then he has such big dick energy that it’s surely not possible. I mean, Evan’s hot as hell, but so is Cody, and he and Kami have history. I guess science wins in this instance, because Kami and Evan, they clearly have chemistry, and unlike some people, that hasn’t seemed to dwindle.

“Courting,” Cody amends.

“Wow.” Leah shakes her head then smiles. “Now do me. What do I require?”

“A shot and an ass grab,” I state.

“Works for me.” She grabs another handful of popcorn.

Cody nods to the TV. “You all texted shows to binge. What shall we start with?”

“You read them?” I laugh. “You never even sent one text message in our Daddy Dean’s House group chat.

He nods once. “Every couple days, I unmuted it and caught up.”

“You muted us?” Leah gasps.

“Makes more sense to read a few days’ worth. Questions such as: what group Halloween costumes are we doing for Bleachers? tend to be answered and don’t require my input.”

“Perfect. So, you know that we’re doing superheroes and villains. Ellie is going as slutty Wonder Woman, Grace is slutty Poison Ivy, Riley’s slutty Cat Woman, I’m slutty Harley Quinn, and we want you to be the joker.”

“Not a slutty Joker?” he asks, tappingPretty Little Liarsinto the search.

“No, but a pimp style Joker would be bad-ass.” Ellie says as she and Grace walk in.

“I’m pretty sure I have an away game.”

“Nope, it’s home against Princeton. We’ll wait for you.” Grace grins. “We’re going to every game we can of yours, to show support for our roomie.”

“You truly don’t have to,” he sighs out.

“Oh, but we want to, don’t we, Riley?” Leah giggles.

* * *

Monday August 19th

Day one

Exhausted,I flop down on my bed. “One down, four to go,” I yawn out.

I look up when there’s a knock on the door and Ellie asks, “So, what did you think?”

Sorority polish week at Lincoln is a week before classes start. I was so excited to be part of it that I will not admit it’s so much different than I expected. I mean, how could a week packed with themes and include dress-up and being surrounded by a bunch of your sister not be fun?

Toady was “there’s no place like home-towns,” and we all dressed up like the founding founders. Since most of the girls are from Massachusetts, there were several Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Hancocks, and Paul Reveres,but no one Paul Revere-d like me.