Page 11 of Flip Shot

“Banners?” Dash asks.

“Sorority details. They’re getting ready for the new class of recruits to come in. Ellie, Grace, Leah, and Riley all live here and are KET girls.”

“Any of them single?” Dash asks.

I catch Koa glance back from the passenger seat at him.

Dash laughs. “You know I like a cuddle buddy.”

Koa rolls his eyes as he turns back to face the front.

“Leah and”—she pauses, and I catch her looking out of the corner of her eye at me, as if she’s expecting me to claim Riley. I don’t—“Riley, last I heard. But Evan and I spent the summer traveling, so I’m a little out of the loop.”

“You in KET?” he asks.

“Delta.” She smiles proudly.

“She’s the president,” I dive into the conversation to distract myself from gawking out the window because I don’t wanna see Riley Park. For fuck’s sake, Kameron even thought she and I had something going on and she wasn’t around us as much as the others. Riley must have missed the memo. So now, now I’m kind of pissed.

“Well, I didn’t realize I was in the presence of greatness.” Dash mock bows.

“Well, you do now,” Kameron jokes.

When JT pulls up at the end of the driveway, I sit there like an idiot, looking at Kameron, because I don’t know if I can pull off the fact that I’m no longer just a little confused and butt hurt. I’m pissed, and no one here at Lincoln has seen that side of me. I prefer it that way.

“That’s a paid parking area,” Ellie points a paint brush at the vehicle.

“Oh yeah?” JT lifts his chin. “How much you charging?”

“We’re college kids,” an all-too-familiar and disturbingly voice chides. “We barter. One sign painted gives you half an hour parking, a bottle of water, and a hot dog.”

“Well, damn.” JT kills the engine. “Count us in.”


When I open the door, I see that the driveway is also packed, and of course my Tahoe is blocked in the garage.

“Looks like you’re stuck here for a while.” Kameron winks. “Now let me out. I need to squeeze my girls.”

Sliding out, I put on my sunglasses then wave my hand in front of me as I smile at her excitement. “Go.”

Squealing, she runs toward Ellie, who’s also squealing, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Riley Park.

Her long, thick, jet dark hair is twisted up, exposing her elegant, thin neck. She’s wearing overall shorts with a tank top, so her shoulders are exposed. Riley Park’s shoulders are muscular, defined, as are her arms and legs. Her ass, a solid bubble. She’s strong and solid,and fuck me, she’s sexy as hell. There’s something different about her, though. It’s the way she stands … taller, though that’s not true. I’m sure she’s still five-foot-one and one hundred and two pounds, and I’m sure of this because I looked at the women’s gymnastics team roster online once—okay, a dozen times—over the summer. And I hate to admit it, but I watched dozens of videos of her competitions, read just as many articles about her, mostly from her senior year in high school.

My brother busted me on more than one occasion—we still share a room, so it couldn’t be avoided. He was sure I was watching porn under my covers, and I had to prove him wrong. He teased me relentlessly, so bad in fact that I wished I’d just let him think I was yanking it to porn and not watching videos of the girl who ghosted me.

Riley carries herself differently now. She’s no longer trying to find where she fits in. She has that sophomore confidence.

“Mind showing me the bathroom?” Koa asks.

Thank God, I think. “Don’t mind at all. This way.”

We make our way through the lawn full of KET sorority girls, and I make damn sure to keep my eyes focused forward on the porch, ignoring the whispers as we pass.

“Rivera’s looking fine this year.”

“That’s The Cock. Heard he has a girlfriend.”