Page 52 of Flip Shot

He switches lanes so fast my head spins with one word. “Hungry?”

I shake my head.

“That’s right.” He looks down then back up at me. “How was your date?”

“It was,” I shake my head because could that question from him be any more awkward? No, no it couldn’t. “Good?”

“Good.” He nods toward the door. “Come get a drink with me?”

Good? So strange.

“Yeah.” I hold up Koa’s phone. “I promised I’d find him a charger.”

He walks over, opens a drawer, and pulls out an … intricately wrapped bundle of cords. He looks back at me and holds out his hand. “Need to see which cord his phone uses.”

Biting back a smile, I walk over and hand it to him.

“What?” he asks.

“You’re very … organized.”

“Seven kids in your—” He stops and shakes his head then whispers, “Six. Six kids in the family, and you tend to keep your things in order, or they’ll go missing.” He peels apart the Velcro closure of the band around the cords, finds the correct one, and plugs it in.

“Maybe keep it turned off just in case it rings and wakes him, and he inevitably calls Nalani and regrets it.”

“Good call.”

Chapter 13


Like Ass

Friday September 6th

Feelinglike ass but better than I deserve, I open the fridge. “What would you like to drink?” I look back as she digs into her little crossbody purse.

“Honestly, I’m all good.”

Damn right, she’s good. That little black skater skirt with the off-the-shoulder shirt that exposes her bellybutton ring with Chuck Taylors is insanely sexy.

“I’m grabbing a ginger ale and I have Dr. Pepper?” I grab one from the six pack I bought, having decided I would, in fact, start drinking soda, pop, Coke, or whatever they call it here once in a while. Having never been a drinker of anything other than water or drinks with added electrolytes, a ginger ale when sick, or the occasional Coke on the rare times we went out as a family, I chose what Riley drank at Dean’s at the end of last semester.

“Diet,” she corrects me, which leads me to believe she’s planning on staying.


I inspect the can and am happy I was a hell of a lot sober when I bought this, unlike now, as I feel buzzed and in the beginning stages of a hangover.

I turn around, see her looking at her phone, pop her tab, and hand it to her.

She takes the drink. “Thanks. Any chance you have another charger?”


Returning to the living room, I hand her a hoodie. “Again, you look stunning, but you’ll be more comfortable.” I hold my other hand out for her phone to get it set up.

“Just until my phone charges, and then I’m getting a ride.”