Page 45 of Flip Shot

I throw my hands up. “Oh my God, Mom, really? Don’t you have someone to knock out?”

Keeping the phone aimed at me, like the weapon it has become, Theo moves around me until he’s standing behind me, holding the phone out, catching us both in the frame.

“So, it’s not Mrs. Park; it’s Doctor. Park.” Theo smiles.

She does some sort of sitting kind of shimmy

Out of the corner of my mouth, I mumble, “Well, you’ve hit her emotional G-spot, player.”

“You can call me Nabi.” Her smile is so big all I can do is laugh … and then, so does Mom.

Fortunately, she is on a timeline, and after asking Theo his major and finding out he plays hockey, she says, “I hope to see you again, Theo.”

His reply? “I’d love that.” Then he hands me back my phone, smiling as he jogs backward. “Gonna be late for weights.”

Before he turns around, he signs, “beautiful,” and me? You know what I do.

I flip him off.

Chapter 11


Break Up

When I walk into our place, I overhear Koa say, “This is fucked up on so many fronts, Nalani.”

Shit, shit, shit.

“No, you’re not hearing me. I’m good with keeping my dick in my pants, because as far as I’m concerned, it’s no good to me without you. We can get through the next three months, and when you’re back in Hayward—” He stops.

I decide not to get something to eat because I feel like a dick overhearing his private conversation when he doesn’t even know I’m here.

“Fine, whatever. Stay there, but stay the hell away from him.”

I clear my throat as I walk into the living room, toward my bedroom so he knows he’s not alone.

“Babe, we made promises. I can keep mine. Can …” Pause. “Why the hell does it feel like you’re trying to get me to end this? If that’s what you want, say it. Just fucking—”

I pop my earbuds in, flop on my bed, hit Spotify, and pressshuffleto drown out the sound of a heart being battered.

Four songs in, and Koa opens my door. I pull out my earbud and sit up.

“Dash is on a date, JT’s probably fucking some bunny, and I need to go do something, man.”

“Then let’s go.”

* * *

In the vehicle, I ask, “You wanna talk?”


“Just know if you do—”

“Appreciate it.” He looks out the window as I pull out of the parking lot.

A few seconds later, he asks, “You mind if I get fucked up?”