Page 10 of Flip Shot

Coach continues, “One last thing, men, half of you look like you spent your summer at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Let’s start eating like athletes, or you’ll be meeting the nutritionist for weekly weigh-ins.”

“Did he just fat shame us?” Dash laughs.

I roll my eyes, “That’s nothing.”

* * *

I’m aboutto get into the back seat of JT’s SUV when I hear someone calling my name. I turn and see Kameron Kosta heading toward us, covering her head with her coat as the rain starts coming down harder.

“You heading over to casa, Costello?”


“Need a ride over?” JT calls to her before I have a chance to get my mind straight and answer.

I move so she can climb in. “Get in, you’re getting drenched.”

“Cody dropped me off, and I thought we’d be longer. I don’t want him to have to stop unpacking, so if you don’t mind.” She slides over and crumples up her soaked jacket, placing it at her feet.

“Theo’s gotta get his ride, anyway. Not a problem at all.” JT assures her.

After I shut the door, I ask, “How’s Evan?”

“Wait—I thought her boyfriend’s name was Cody?” Dash asks.

She and I both laugh at the same time. Then she explains, “The love of my life is Evan Smith. My ex-boyfriend and best friend is Cody Warren.”

“Shit, that’s got to be—”

“Believe it or not, it works,” she politely cuts him off, no doubt sick of being questioned about the whole situation.

I know what he’s thinking, because every one of us has wondered how the hell Even’s so chill about it, but he is. And Cody, who’s a pretty cool guy, is, too. I’ve spent a lot of time around them, and it’s impossible not to see the difference in the way each of them look at her and how she looks at them.

“Evan pretends like he’s not having the time of his life, but I know he is.” She smiles. “I mean, I’m sure playing his first NHL game will top guy time, but they don’t have to start training camp for a couple more weeks, so he and Leo are helping Bass and Dylan move into their place, Drew to hers, and then crashing with Dean at the Hamptons house.”

“That’s fucking sick,” JT says as he pulls out of the parking lot.

“It is.”

“How are you gonna handle a year apart from your guy?” Dash asks.

“It’s not the military; it’s hockey. We’ll make time to see one another. Then, when I graduate”—she holds out her ring finger—“we get married—”

“And have babies,” JT adds.

“Evan wants them immediately, but I want to focus on starting my own career.”

“Which is?” Dash asks.

“I’m torn between having a little coffee shop and bakery, or a photography studio. I have time to figure it out.”

Dash asks a ton of questions and not just about the team. I guess he likes to be informed. Me? I still haven’t asked Koa why his girlfriend didn’t transfer here like they’d planned.

* * *

As soon aswe turn the corner, I see a yard full of girls with tables set up.

“Oh my God, they’re making their banners already?” Kameron sighs. “I feel like I’m ten years behind.”