“I think I may have a way for us all to have a night off and to just relax with our woman,” I tease, jumping to my feet and heading back to the office. “Give me an hour and keep your schedule clear. I’ll meet you in the office,” I call out, not waiting for Calvin to reply.


I walk into the lounge to find all three guys looking smug. I stop in my tracks and look between them all.

“I knew giving you all keys was going to be a bad idea,” I sigh dropping my bag on the floor and kicking off my shoes before walking over to the sofa where Calvin and Drew are sitting. I attempt to sit between them, but Drew drags me onto his lap.

“I need a bigger sofa,” I look over to Logan, who is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. “And some extra seating,” I add, smiling at him.

“I am more than happy to help you christen them,” Logan replies with a cheeky wink.

“I can think of a few ways we can all help with that,” Drew adds, nibbling on my earlobe.

“Bambi, not yet,” Logan warns as Drew rolls his eyes and smiles at me.

“Why are you all here? I thought you would have taken advantage of Luna being out and sleeping in your own beds.” I honestly thought I wouldn’t see two of them tonight. It can’t be fun for them to sleep on the couch and Luna floor, but I haven’t heard any of them moaning about it once.

“Actually, we will be sleeping in our house tonight, but we are taking you back there with us,” Drew informs me.

“What?” I ask, looking around.

“Well, as you pointed out, it’s not easy for us all to be comfortable here. We are all exhausted, physically and mentally, so we thought we would take advantage of Luna being out and take you home with us. That way, you don’t have to worry about anyone finding you, and we can all chill out, have a few drinks and see how loud we can make you scream without worrying about waking Luna,” Drew answers.

“It also gives us a chance to see how big a bed we need on the off chance all three of us want to sleep with you at the same time,” Calvin answers as he leans in and kisses me sweetly.

“And how do you plan on working that out?” I tease.

“By all of us spending tonight in my bed as it’s the biggest,” Logan answers. I look at all three of them amazed.

“I don’t have to choose. I can sleep with all three of you tonight?” I start and realise that sounds a damn site dirtier than I meant for it to. “Shit I didn’t mean sleep as in sex, I meant.”

“Oh, that’s exactly what you meant. I think you would love to have all three of us at the same time,” Logan declares, walking over to me and taking hold of my chin, forcing me to look into his amber eyes. “I certainly think that is something we would all thoroughly enjoy,” he adds before his lips crash into mine.

“What was that about not yet?” I hear Drew ask as Calvin chuckles. Logan pulls away from me slightly and grins.

“Fair enough.” He stands tall and points to a bag I hadn’t noticed before. “I want you to take this bag and pick out anything you want to bring with you. Change of clothes for the morning. Toiletries. Your favourite comfy clothes and what you want to sleep in, if we let you put anything on, that is.” He winks before walking back over to the wall.

“Go get packed, darling. We leave as soon as you are ready,” Calvin explains as he helps me off Drew's lap. I grab the bag and rush for the door. I was eager to get away from this house for one night and spend some time with all three of my men together for once.



I open my eyes and instantly smile remembering the way we all came together last night. The three of us pleasuring our woman together like that was the perfect way of confirming we had made the right choice. Chelsea is ours and no one will ever love or care for her like we do.

I listen to the sound of the shower running in my en-suite and lift my head to see that Chelsea isn’t in bed anymore. Drew and Calvin are both still fast asleep and don’t show any signs of waking up soon. I smile as I climb out of bed planning to spend a moment on my own with my woman.

I walk into the bathroom to find her naked in the shower her back to me as she washes her hair. I lean against the wall and watch her for a moment as the water runs from the showerhead, down her body leaving it clean and ready for me to dirty, all over again.

My cock is rock hard and I know exactly where it wants to be right now. I wrap my hand around it and stroke it a couple of times whilst watching the amazing show in front of me. When Chelsea starts to wash her body and leans over to clean her legs, presenting that perfect ass and pussy to me, the last of my self-control snaps.

I stride over to the shower and throw open the door, startling Chelsea who was oblivious to me being in here.

“Logan, when did you.” I cut her off as I slam my lips into hers and her tight against me. The water flows over the two of us as she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back matching the intensity I feel.

I pull back from her and spin her around so her back is to me as I reach around and run my finger through her pussy lips.

“What have you been thinking about, to get this wet, baby?” I ask as I nip at her earlobe and kiss her neck. I grind my cock between her ass cheeks and feel them tighten around me as she tenses.