“I’d rather not move Luna unless I have to,” I whisper as I lean my forehead against his. “But having one of you here would make us feel safer until we know that last night was a one-off.”

“Whatever you need, baby. We are here for you, okay.” He kisses my forehead and stands. “I’m going to go and get the clothes I left in Luna's room. Why don’t you make that phone call whilst I do that, and Luna is distracted then we will go and see the guys.”

I nod as he gives me another small smile and heads out of the room, leaving me to ask the question I think I already know the answer to.


“Luna is fast asleep in her room. She was scared that someone would try and get in her window again, so I promised to sleep on her bedroom floor,” Drew announces as he walks back into the lounge.

“You can’t sleep like that you will kill your back!” I point out as I lean against Calvin whilst Logan sits beside us working on his laptop. He is trying to link the cameras from outside to the ones he’s also placed inside.

“I have my roll mat and sleeping bag in the car. It will be fine. I’ve slept in worst places,” he points out. Calvin's arm tights around me as he kisses the top of my head.

“I’m going to go in a bit as I can get you all some clean clothes and stuff for the morning,” Calvin whispers into my hair.

“I feel bad you leaving on your own,” I sigh, looking up at him.

“Don’t, darling, it’s fine,” he smiles at me before pressing a kiss to my lips. My phone signals an email, and Logan passes it to me without looking up from his screen. He has been glued to it for the last half an hour, and I know better than to ask what he’s doing.

I look at the notification, and my heart drops.


I can hear the worry in Calvin's voice and feel all three sets of eyes land on me as I pull my legs from Calvin's lap and stand up clicking the call button. My solicitor answers in three rings.

“Evening, Chels. Sorry to request a call so late, but I figured you would rather hear this now than in the morning,” she says as I walk behind the sofa and wrap an arm around myself, feeling sick.

“It’s what I feared, then?” I reply, not trusting myself to ask the question out loud without being sick.

“It is. He was released two weeks ago. I have spent the best part of the day trying to get answers, and tomorrow I will demand to know why you weren’t informed as was promised.”

“But there’s still three years left of his sentence,” I point out, and I hear her sigh.

“I know Chels. all I can tell you so far is that he went up against a parole board and won them over. He is back in the local area, and that’s all I know for now.”

“They promised I would be warned,” I gasp, trying to speak through the lump burning in my throat. “They promised I would have time to put safety procedures in place to protect my daughter. Someone tried to get into her room last night, Sharon!” I snap as Calvin jumps up and wraps his arms around me, letting me lean against him.

“Shit, Chels, you know I would have told you if I had been informed. Have you got the police involved?”

“No, I know some people who work in security. They have been out and fitted security cameras and stuff today,” I sigh into Calvin's chest as he runs a hand over my head.

“Good, if you are worried at any time, call the police. I will get on to the hostel he is staying at and his probation officer tomorrow to ensure they are aware that he is not to contact or approach you. Do you need anything for school or work?”

“I don’t think so. I will let you know. Thanks for doing all that for me, Sharon. Keep me posted on what you hear, and I’ll do the same.” We end the call, and I lean into Calvin as he guides me back to the sofa. Logan gets up, pours me a drink, and passes it to me. I thank him before taking a sip and closing my eyes, desperate for this to all be a bad dream.

“Speak to us, darling. We can’t help you if you keep hiding things,” Calvin says, running a hand over my head.

“I know, but it’s a lot,” I admit, taking a deep breath and looking at the guys around me. Drew is now sitting on the coffee table in front of me, Calvin and Logan to the side. I take another sip of my drink and decide to just go for it.

“My ex was an abusive piece of shit and tried to kill us.”

“What the fuck?” Drew and Calvin gasp behind me as Logan takes my hand. Drew looks from me to Logan and curses.

“You knew?” he demands. Logan nods.

“I don’t know the ins and outs, but that day in the park, I noticed Luna is cautious of any men that came too close. I know I shouldn’t have, but I asked her about Chelsea's shoulder, and she said, Daddy hurt it. So, I went on the computer as soon as we got back and did a little digging.” He turns his attention to me and cups my face. “All I know is that he hurt you badly, and you had him arrested for it. I didn’t feel right looking any deeper without your consent.”

I nod and look back to the others.