I climb into bed next to her and she instantly rolls onto her side to look at me.

“Do you think someone was trying to get in?” she asks. I brush some hair from her forehead and offer her a smile.

“No honey, I think you were dreaming, and something woke you, but that’s okay. You felt scared and you did the right thing by calling me. I will always do what I can to make sure you feel safe and happy in our home.” I press a kiss on her head and smile at her. “Get some rest, you have school in the morning.”

Luna nods before closing her eyes.

“Goodnight, Mummy.”

“Goodnight, Luna,” I whisper as I close my eyes and try to get back off to sleep, but nothing works. Instead, I lie with my eyes closed and listen out to the garden and sounds around the house.

What are the odds that Luna and I would hear something at our windows the same night? Something isn’t right, neither of us should have heard any noise. There’s no trees close by for the branches to knock across the windows, and we are too high up for it to be a creature unless it was a bird or a bat. Neither idea makes me feel any better.

I roll onto my side and see my phone. I consider messaging the guys and asking what they think but decide against it. They will only panic and what could they possibly do to help when they are hundreds of miles away. No, I need to leave them deal with whatever is happening there and will tell them when they are home tomorrow because no matter what I said to Luna, I believe someone did try to get in her window and I don’t think I like the idea of who it could be.



I drop my large kit bag on the floor next to my favourite chair and fall into it. I’m exhausted, stinking, and ready for a decent meal. The food carts may have been amazing, but there was very little healthy food on the menu, so now all I want to eat is a salad.

“Can we make a deal never to do one of those ever again? Seriously, festivals are not my scene.” Calvin moans as he drops down into his chair. I nod whilst resting my head back.

“I don’t know I kinda enjoyed myself. The people were crazy, and the music was amazing. I want to go again,” Drew laughs as he walks into the room, already scoffing his face with a sandwich.

“That’s decided then; Bambi is managing all festivals from now on,” I call out, closing my eyes.

“Fine by me, you boring bastards just don’t know how to have fun,” he laughs.

We sit quietly for a moment, enjoying the sound of absolute silence for the first time since we left the house on Thursday. It’s now Tuesday, and I can’t think of any better way to spend it than silently cuddled up with our woman. Shame she’s at work. Actually, I don’t remember her sending us a message letting us know she got there like she did each morning we were away. I pick up my phone and check it. I haven’t even received a good morning text, which isn’t like her. For the last two weeks, we have messaged each other every morning as soon as we wake up. But this morning, there’s been nothing.

“Have any of you heard from Chels?” I ask, looking at the others, who are both shaking their heads. Something isn’t right, and I don’t like it. I pick up my phone and call her mobile, which goes straight to voicemail. Chelsea never has her phone off. She refuses to turn it off in case the school needs to contact her. I dial her office number and wait for her to pick up.

“Good morning, Geralt Young's office.”

“Who’s that?” I ask, not recognising the voice.

“My name’s Sandy. I’m covering for Mr Young's PA. Who is this, please?”

“Where’s Chelsea?” I demand as I climb to my feet. Both Drew and Calvin are watching me as I start to pace around the room. I knew something wasn’t right.

“She called in sick this morning. Is there anything I can help you with?” the woman asks.

“No, it’s fine, thanks,” I answer before hanging up. I walk over to the cabinet where we keep our keys, having used Calvin's car this weekend.

“I’m going to check on them as you both have things on this morning. I’ll keep you posted,” I call as I close the door, not waiting for them to respond.

I jump in my car and start the ten-minute journey to their home. The whole time I’m trying desperately to work out why she hasn’t gone to work. Has she become ill with Luna's stomach bug? Has she had an accident? No, she called in sick, so surely, she’s safe at least. So many different scenarios start racing through my mind as to why she hasn’t been in touch and has needed to take time off work, each getting progressively darker the longer I think about it. When I pull up outside her house, I’m picturing her lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

I jump out of my car and race to the door before knocking. I wait impatiently for any noise to come from within, but there’s nothing. I look to the drive where her car is sitting and know she must be in unless she or Luna were so ill they had to call an ambulance. Shit, my fucking imagination is running away with me here.

I knock again, a little louder this time, and press my ear to the door, hoping to hear anything that might be going on inside. I’m about to go around the back to check the back door when I hear someone moving about inside.

“Chels? Are you in there?” I call out, hoping she will answer the door. I hear the sound of the locks being opened and realise she has used all four, which I’ve never noticed her using before. When the door finally opens, I know I made the right decision in coming straight here.

Chelsea stands before me in a pair of jogging bottoms, an old t-shirt and her hair in a messy bun. I have never seen her look less like herself. She looks like she hasn’t slept or has only just woken up, and I know that can’t be right.

“Why aren’t you in work? Are you okay?” I ask, stepping into the house as she steps straight into my arms. “Baby? What’s happened? Where’s Luna?” I ask, holding her tight against me as I kick the door closed.