“She is going to crash the second she is in the car,” Chelsea laughs, watching her daughter being swung between the two guys, laughing at the top of her lungs. I turn to Jason to see him watching her with a glint in his eyes.

“That will probably be you lot soon, bringing your child along to watch Mommy dance.”

“If it were up to Christian, she’d be pregnant already,” Maximus laughs. Jason turns his attention to me and rolls his eyes.

“Jazzy has told him not until after the next production has been cast. She’s hoping to have one lead under her belt before she has to take a short break. That way, when she gets back into it, she will have proved she can do it.”

“That makes sense. It’s not fun coming back from pregnancy, but with her being young, it will be a little easier, hopefully.” I look to Chelsea, grinning as Luna screeches. We all turn to see her bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“Mummy, look!” she exclaims as she rushes back to us takes her mum's hand and starts dragging her away.

“Come on, Luna. Let me introduce you to Shorty and her friends,” Maximus says, walking beside her. Chelsea continues to get dragged along by her daughter.

“I’ll be there now; just give us a sec.”

Chelsea nods and hurries along to keep up with Luna.

“I think it’s safe to say I have never seen you happier,” Jason says beside me as he leans against the wall. Jasmine looks over towards us and blows him a kiss before making a fuss of Luna.

“That’s because I haven’t been, mate. I just hope it works out.” I watch as Luna spins around like a ballerina, and the three girls clap and join in.

“I get it’s harder for you, it’s happened suddenly and there is a child involved, but the only advice I can truly give you is just accept it. There will be times you are jealous of the others if they are getting more attention than you. Like after Jazzy was rescued, she clung to Christian more than the rest of us. It was hard, but eventually, she came back to us all. She always will.”

“Was there any point it felt wrong?” I ask. Jason smiles, watching his future wife and shakes his head.

“Not once, from the moment I realised my brothers loved her the same way as I did, it was like all my worries about it disappeared and all that mattered was getting her to accept us all and not pick just one.”

I turn to him and nod as that’s exactly how I would describe my feelings about it all, and judging from the way the guys were talking about it this morning, they feel the same way.

“Come on, Pippin, hurry up!” Luna calls as she waves me over.

“Coming, Luna Bug,” I call back as I head over to what I hope will soon be my own little family.


“She’s fast asleep, you unlock the door, and I’ll carry her in and put her to bed,” I whisper to the others. Chelsea nods and hands the keys to Logan, who walks on ahead and has the door unlocked and open by the time I’m halfway up the drive. Luna’s still fast asleep in my arms.

I walk into the house, and Logan says he will pour the drinks whilst Chelsea and I put her to bed. Him and Drew both place a kiss on the top of her head as we pass them, and I don’t miss the way Chelsea’s face lights up as she watches them with her daughter. She has smiled more tonight than I have ever seen.

I follow Chelsea into the bedroom and place Luna on the bed. Chelsea makes short work of unfastening her shoes and making her a little more comfortable. Luna only stirs slightly but Chelsea runs a hand over her head, and she starts to settle back down.

“Mummy?” she whispers softly as she opens her eyes and looks at her mother.

“Yes, honey?” Chelsea whispers as she kneels down by the bed.

“Jasmine called Jason and Maximus daddy. If she can have two daddies’ does that mean I can have three?”

Chelsea stares at the daughter for a moment as my heart pounds in my chest.

“Who would be your daddies?” Chelsea asks as if needing to hear her confirm our suspicions.

“Houdini, Pippin and Bambi, of course. Who else, silly,” Chelsea says, yawning before rolling onto her other side. “I love them,” she adds as she settles back to sleep. I walk over to her bed and place a kiss on her head as her breathing slows down and she quickly drifts off to sleep.

“We love you too, Luna bug,” I whisper in her ear before standing up and seeing Chelsea wiping a tear from her face.

I take her hand and pull her out of the room quickly before wrapping her in my arms.

“What’s the matter, darling?” I ask, wiping a tear from her cheek.