“I think I have known that deep down. But for six years I have let it consume me and I haven’t let myself feel anything for anyone.” He takes my hand from his cheek and presses a kiss to the palm. “Until you.” He presses another kiss to my palm before kissing my lips. “When I realised that I was falling for you I tried to ignore it, I tried to tell myself I was cheating on Angie. But the more time I spent around you the harder it was to think of Angie at all as you were in the forefront of my mind all the time.

“Then tonight was the final push I needed to show you I’m not the prick I’ve been acting. I care about you, baby. When Fallon said what he did I honestly think the only reason I didn’t punch him was because all I could think about was getting you as far away from him as possible. I had to protect you like I hadn’t been able to protect her.”

Logan leans in and kisses me on the lips again.

“I will do better baby, I will if you will give me a chance to. I’m not asking for a full-on relationship. I think you feel something for all three of us for a reason and it’s something we all need to discuss together, but I don’t think I can go back to hiding how I feel about you. Not now I finally feel like I have something worth fighting for.”

I lean against his chest and let out a deep sigh.

“We all need to talk about this together, as I don’t think I could choose one of you over the others. And then there’s Luna to think about. It would be a lot for her to take in.” I lean back and look into his eyes, offering a small smile.

“Can we just enjoy tonight? Then tomorrow we will see what everyone thinks and slowly we can all work out what we want and don’t want.”

Logan presses a kiss to my lips smiling.

“I think that sounds like a great idea,” he whispers into my hair as I stay curled up against his chest and start to doze off to sleep breathing in his calming scent.



“Oh, look who decided to finally show up!” Drew laughs as I walk into the kitchen, my suit jacket over my arm and my shirt sleeves rolled up. I look at the clock and see it’s one in the afternoon.

“So did someone finally accept they have fallen for a certain older lady and do something about it?” Calvin smirks as he sits in one of the chairs by the table.

“Something like that,” I reply, unable to wipe the smile from my face. Leaving Chelsea's bed this morning was so freaking hard. Whilst I was there, we could pretend that it was just the two of us and we had no other worries in the world. But reality has to continue at some point, and I know the four of us are going to need to have a long chat about things.

“How did the business deal go?” Drew asks, and my good mood slips slightly.

“Yeah, let’s just say we won’t be hearing from them again unless it is to demand payment towards the bill, I left them with.”

“What the fuck did you do?” Drew demands. I turn and stare at him wide-eyed. “I worked my arse off to get them to give us a chance,” he adds, and I slam the mug I just filled on the counter, spilling the content.

“Oh, they wanted to give us a chance, as long as I offered Chelsea up as a bonus!” I snap. Drew and Calvin both curse and yell at the same time; I have no idea who says what. “That’s right, he was checking her out from the moment we arrived. He was watching her chest and being a real sleaze to the point she left the table for a moment to escape. It was then he asked me to make her part of the deal, so I told him where he could shove it. No fucker talks about her like she is a piece of meat.” I grab the mug and re-fill it with coffee from the pot before grabbing a cloth and cleaning up the mess I made. I continue to fill them in on getting Chelsea home and triggering her PTSD that they both gave me shit for, and then keeping all of the very dirty details out explained how I had spent the rest of the night and most of the morning making it up to her.

“So, what happens now?” Calvin asks as he looks around the kitchen.

“How do you mean?” Drew asks, taking a sip of his coffee.

“He means, where do we go from here? Chels and I spoke about it briefly last night and this morning and she basically told me there is no way she could choose between us. We all mean the world to her. I personally don’t think I could walk away from her and Luna now. Just in the short time I have known them both has made me care about them greatly and I can’t imagine not seeing them.”

Drew and Calvin both agree, and we all look at each other.

“I thought I would hate the idea of ever being with someone and sharing them with someone else. But the idea of the five of us living together feels natural,” Drew says from his seat. I nod in agreement. It is basically the same as I said to Chelsea this morning. We both look to Calvin who has stayed the most silent.

“What are you thinking, Pippin?” Drew asks as Calvin looks around at us both.

“My only concern is Luna. She has had it rough in school because of bullies and I know the last thing she wants is to stand out any more than she already does. If they realise her mum is with three guys wouldn’t that put her in the firing line even more?”

“Or the fact that she knows she has us behind her to support her may make her stronger,” Drew suggests.

“Either way, I think Chelsea would have to approach the topic with her. But if we are there to show her that we’re there for her and don’t want to make things difficult, we can maybe work together to come up with a plan of action,” I suggest. The other two nod and I see a smile spread across Calvin's face as he grabs his phone.

“I may just have the perfect plan to show her we are there for her as well as her mum, give me ten minutes,” he declares before rushing out of the room with his phone to his ear.


“Do you really have no idea where they are taking us?” Luna asks for the hundredth time this afternoon.