
“So let me get this straight. You didn’t have sex with him, but he gave you a mind-blowing orgasm and didn’t ask for anything in return?”

“That’s pretty much it,” I reply, sitting back on Penny’s sofa as I sip my wine.

“And he was still there this morning?” she asks, her eyebrows disappearing into her hairline.

“Yep, where he gave me another orgasm and then treated me to a spa morning followed by a cream tea lunch before we parted ways.”

“And not once did he ask for a wank or blow job?”

Again, I shake my head, and Penny almost collapses into her seat.

“Then I want one of them. If his colleagues are anything like him, send them my way. I need a man like that, like yesterday!”

I chuckle as I sip my wine and take a deep breath.

Everything about the last twenty-four hours was amazing. From the function to how Calvin treated me and showered me affectionately to the mind-blowing orgasms. I don’t think I would have changed a thing.

“Is it stupid that I feel guilty?” I ask, looking over to Penny.

“What do you mean?” she asks frowning.

“Well, I know we’re not really dating, that I just attend functions with them with the occasional odd night out. But it still kind of feels like I cheated on the other two. Maybe not so much Logan, as there’s nothing even remotely going on there. However, Drew is lovely, and I don’t want to upset him in any way, and I certainly don’t want to get between him and Calvin,” I explain. I can see Penny thinking about it and wait to see her take on it.

“What did Calvin say about it all?”

“That I’m not to worry; the others will be fine; he will make sure of it.” But it hasn’t stopped the worry in my gut. The one thing I don’t feel is regret. I told myself from the start that I wasn’t going to sleep with any of them and that it would be completely platonic as they promised. But last night, I got caught up in being in a man’s arms for the first time in years and knew I wanted to try for more. Does that mean I want a relationship with any of them? No, I still don’t think I am ready for any commitment, especially as I don’t think I could choose one over the others. Even with Logan, there is something that keeps me from pushing him away completely.

Calvin told me this morning in the spa that Logan is sometimes difficult to read and not to take it personally. But I still feel like he’s pushing me away, keeping me at arm’s length, and I can’t help wondering if there is something I have done to cause that.

“If I were you, I would be eating up all the attention. I can’t remember the last time I got laid, and I need a good orgasm or six,” Penny sighs. We both look towards the lounge door as two excited girls running down the stairs sound from the hallway.

“Mummy! Are we going soon? Or are we staying for dinner as well?” Luna asks as she jumps onto the sofa beside me, nearly spilling my wine.

“We are leaving in five minutes, so go and get all your things together and double-check you haven’t forgotten to pack anything,” I tell her, pointing towards the door. Luna rolls her eyes at me and climbs off the sofa before grabbing Kylie and dragging her out of the room.

Penny’s older daughter, Ayva, walks into the lounge as I drink the last of my wine.

“Hey, Auntie Chels, you need a babysitter any time soon?” she asks as she sits on the other end of the sofa.

“Still saving for a new car?” I ask, smiling. She nods and lets out a deep sigh.

“They are so expensive. How do they expect nineteen-year-olds to save so much?” she sighs.

“Wait until you have to save for a house. That’s even harder,” Penny laughs as she places her glass on the coffee table.

“Don’t!” Ayva sighs.

“Well, I could do with a sitter Thursday night if you are free?” I ask, checking my phone. Drew had messaged yesterday morning asking if I could accompany him to a dinner to try and complete on a big contract.

“I’m off Thursday, so it’s fine. What time?” she asks.

“Be at mine for seven, and I’ll order pizza and stuff for you.”

“Thanks, Chels, you’re a star!” Ayva smiles, kissing me on the cheek before leaving the room. “Luna! I’m looking after your Thursday night! You better be good; otherwise, I’ll lock you in the shed with all the spiders!” she calls as she leaves the lounge. Penny and I burst out laughing as we hear Luna protesting and shouting back at Ayva.

“Well, that’s her terrified of the shed,” I laugh as I stand and head towards the door, hoping to hurry Luna up and get home so I can get everything ready before the week ahead.