“I’m here!” he calls back. As I expected, he is in front of the whiteboard he has been working on, tracking a massive shipment of drugs that we think is heading this way.
“I need you to come with me. Houdini found a major security breach at Young’s place. We need to pull an all-nighter sorting it out.”
“Shit,” Drew curses as he turns away from the board. “How bad are we talking?”
“Taylor was doing some dodgy shit in there, and Houdini wants to find out what, but in the meantime, we need to reset all the access cards by the morning and start making up new ones for the employees.”
“Fuck,” he curses again as he walks over to the desk chair and grabs his jacket, which is on the back of it. “How many employees again?”
“Two hundred plus.”
Drew spins around and stares at me.
“Over two hundred? How the fuck are we going to do all of that in one night?” He has a point: we could never get that done.
“We have help. Four guys from the security team we placed there, plus one other person.”
“Who?” he asks, frowning as a smile spreads across my face.
“This one will put a smile on your face and make your late night more worthwhile.”
“Well, hello again, Chelsea. Imagine seeing you here,” Drew coo’s as he walks into the conference room where Logan has set up shop.
“What are the odds,” Chelsea sighs sarcastically from her spot where security passes and post-it notes surround her. She looks up and offers us a small smile. “Have you come to help or just stalk me?”
“I have no idea what you mean. How have we been stalking you?” Drew asks, placing a hand on his heart.
“Oh, I don’t know through Tinder, maybe?” she sighs, looking back down to the cards in front of her. Drew and I both look at Logan, who shrugs, still refusing to look up from whatever he is doing.
“She knows we know.” As neither seems overly bothered, I shrug off my jacket and hang it on the back of a chair.
“Where are we up to with all of this?”
Logan waves us over and fills us in on all he has learnt about the system being corrupted and that he thinks it was all Taylor's doing. I tell him I’ll call the O’Reilly’s and see if they know anything about his side business. In the meantime, Logan tells us that he has two guys going floor to floor, re-wiring and cleaning the cameras. They plan on them all being in working order by five a.m. when the cleaners arrive. Two more are working in the hub, checking through footage and seeing how many blind spots the cameras leave once they are all working.
So that leaves the four of us here with the two hundred and forty-eight cards they could collect. Now, we have the job of wiping and re-programming all the cards to ensure no one has access to anywhere they shouldn’t. Each card takes about three minutes from me wiping the access codes from it to Logan putting the correct information in place. We have to do them individually to ensure there are no mistakes. The last thing we need is for some that don’t programme properly and have access to areas they aren’t meant to, it won’t look good for the company.
For the next hour, Chelsea and Drew work through the staff list. They tick off the cards they have and highlight the ones they don’t. At the same time, they are checking for anyone who may have requested a replacement card, so we know they may still have access to other areas.
It’s a slow task, but we get into a flow between the four of us and start to see progress.
“Are we going to order food? I’m starving,” Drew sighs, leaning back in his chair.
“When aren’t you starving?” Logan sighs from the computer.
“When I’m eating,” Drew replies with a grin. Chelsea chuckles from her seat and picks up her phone.
“I could eat. What does everyone fancy?” she asks, tapping on her phone. She frowns at it for a moment before standing up from the table. “I’ll be right back.”
I watch as she walks out the door, the phone to her ear.
“So, what do you think Taylor had going on in the basement?” I ask Logan while keeping an eye on the door to ensure Chelsea doesn’t return.
“I have no idea, but I think Young does. As soon as I mentioned the room he was going into, all colour drained from his face. I plan to go there later to see what I can find.”
“I’ll come with you,” Drew says from his seat as he stands and stretches.