“Where is she?”

“Over there with Penny,” Logan points behind the barrier to another of our vans. I rush to it and throw open the door to see Luna sitting on Penny’s lap.

“Luna bug,” I gasp as I jump into the van just in time to catch her as she throws herself in my arms. “I’m so sorry I didn’t find you sooner,” I sigh holding her tight as I kiss the top of her head. “You were so brave, and did such a good job at hiding.”

Luna leans back in my arms, and I can see how red her eyes are and how tired she looks. This poor girl has been through so much today, first with the asshole Prince and now with all of this. I want to bundle her into the car, take her home and never let her leave again. But first, I need to get her mom safely out of there.

“Is Mummy okay?” she asks. I force a small smile on my face as I try to figure out how to answer that.

“Luna knows that Mummy is stuck at the moment, but you are trying to get to her,” Penny says from where she is sitting. I look back at Luna and nod.

“Bambi has gone in to try and get a camera in the room so we can see what’s happening and check on Mommy. We will know then the best way to go in and get her out.” My throat and eyes burn as I desperately try and keep it together for my girl. The last thing she needs is to see one of the men she thinks will save her mommy crying like a baby. I swallow the lump in my throat and press a kiss to her head whilst holding her against me.

“We will get Mommy out and then we can all go home,” I whisper into her soft blonde hair. “I love you, Luna Bug,” I add, needing her to know how much she means to me.

“I love you too, Daddy,” she whispers back as I kiss her cheek. Reluctantly I walk over to Penny as I whisper into Luna’s hair.

“I need to get back out there, but we will keep checking on you. You be a good girl for Penny, okay.”

Luna nods as I place her back on Penny’s lap, who wraps her arms around Luna's waist.

“I’ve got her; she’s safe with me. You focus on Chels.”

I nod once before turning and walking out of the van. I look back at my girl as she curls up against Penny and gives me a small wave before I close the doors on them.

I take a moment and lean against the doors, trying desperately to control my emotions.

I never thought I would be lucky enough to have a family, people who have done some of the things I have don’t get happily ever afters, but when I left for work this morning that’s exactly what I thought I had. I had a beautiful woman and daughter waiting for me at home. I get to share this experience with my two closest friends, and I get to do a job I love. But nothing could have prepared me for this.

How can I have all of that taken away from me in a blink of an eye? I left for work with all of that and now I have a daughter who has been through a lifechanging ordeal, the love of my life is being held hostage and is in god only knows how much danger and my friends and I are facing possible death to get her back. What did we all do to deserve this?

Chelsea and Luna are the purest people I have ever met, and this is what happens to them. I have never been a good Christian, I have never really prayed or asked for guidance. But I always believed, even after everything I have seen, all the pain, death and destruction, that there was someone waiting for those who paid the price of other's greed and beliefs. I look up to the sky now and for the first time in my life consider dropping to my knees and praying. Instead, I close my eyes and take a deep breath before leaning against the van with my eyes closed in silent prayer.

“God, I have never asked you for anything. I know I don’t deserve to be saved and I am okay with that, but please keep my girls from harm. Let Chelsea come back to her daughter in one unharmed piece. Keep them safe and I will never ask for anything from you ever again. I just need my love to be returned to us, we can’t survive without her. It’s not only her daughter who needs her but the three of us as well. She has brought light into our lives, laughter into our home, and love into our hearts. Please, don’t let that be taken from us now. Please.” I whisper the last word as I take one last deep breath, open my eyes, and look around at all the people working to find out what’s happening in that building, to get my love back.

“Pip, we have eyes!” Logan calls from his van. I push myself away from the van and rush to the one where he is standing, the other side of the barrier. I stand next to him as we look at the screen.

It’s still dark, but there is a small area of light and I can see that the camera is being fed through an air vent.

“It should be the vent that overlooks the entrance to the room we think they are digging up. Bambi managed to get as close as possible without being heard or seen.” I turn to look at Logan when a movement to the side of him catches my attention. I look around him to see a guy in all black, the same kind of clothes I had seen others who were working against us were wearing.

“You fucking arsehole!” I yell, launching myself at the guy.

“Cal, stop!” I hear Terry curse as he grabs hold of me and drags me away.

“That prick helped them take my girl!” I shout as I manage to buck Terry off, but this time Logan tackles me and we fall from the back of the van. I land back first on the ground with Logan on top of me which forces all the air from my lungs.

“He saved Luna's life and is helping us!” Logan snaps as he pushes himself off me and I start coughing, desperate to get air back in my lungs. “He saw Luna hiding and told the others the room was empty. He was forced to be here today, and didn’t agree with anything.”

“And you fucking believe him!” I yell, pointing back to the van.

“What choice do I have? He has inside information and is helping us get Chelsea back!” Logan yells, offering me his hand. I take it and he helps me to my feet. “Now sort it out, and let’s get this over and done with. I don’t know about you, but I want to go home with my family and never fucking leave again.”

I look at him and nod, rubbing my back where it is still hurting from the fall.

“Sounds like a fucking plan to me,” I answer as we head back into the van. I look to the guy I now realise is cuffed to the chair and being watched over by Terry and Gordon.

“You saved my daughter?” I ask. The guy nods and I nod once before turning back to the screen where I can see the camera wire is almost through the vent.