I nod once and force myself to step back; it’s not a natural position for me in these situations. I have always gone in first as I’m quicker on the trigger than any of the other people I served with. But if it means my little girl is less traumatised than she already is, then I will do it.
Terry holds up three fingers and slowly counts down before barging through the door as I wait to see if anyone is there.
“Clear, but Young’s down,” Terry whispers as he opens the door for me. I walk in and keep my gun at the ready as we head for the room Calvin has said Luna is in. On the way, we search other rooms which are all clear before Terry heads to Young.
“Get Luna, I’ll check him.”
I nod once and walk slowly into the room.
At first sight, I can’t see her anywhere, I check under the conference table and open the cabinet, but she’s nowhere to be seen. I’m just about to message Logan to say she’s not here when I spot the tablecloth on the small table where Chelsea usually places jugs of water and pots of tea and coffee. I look at it and can see what looks like a silhouette through it, just as I think I’m seeing things it moves slightly and I rush to it dropping down to my knees and pulling it off the table, forgetting all my training about not starting children who are hiding.
Luna looks at me and screams at the top of her lungs before backing away from me, her eyes wide and bloodshot from crying. I grab my mask and pull it down to reveal my face.
“It’s me, baby girl. It’s just me.”
For a second, Luna stares at me before she bursts into tears and throws her arms around my neck. I hold her tight as she cries into my shoulder.
“I want Mummy,” she sobs hysterically into my armour.
“I know, baby girl, we will find her, I promise. But first, we need to get you out of here. Then I will come back and keep looking for Mommy.” I pull away from her slightly and cup her little face in my hands. “You were so brave and so clever getting a call to us. I’m so proud of you; we all are.”
Luna wipes her nose on her arm and tries to stop crying.
“Let’s get you out of here and to your other daddies, they have been so worried about you.” I lift her into my arms and hold her tight. I’m just about to open the door when I remember Young is outside on the ground, possibly dead. I place her on the floor for a second and grab my ear pods out of my pocket. I quickly pull out my phone and play the music from the Nutcracker she enjoys so much. I look at her and give her a small smile.
“I’m going to put these in your ears, and I need you to close your eyes for me. There are things out there that might scare you, and I don’t want that. So, I need you to be brave just a little longer for me. Can you do that, baby girl?”
Luna nods and wipes at her eyes before pushing her shoulders back. I can’t help but smile as she looks just like her mother when she does that.
“Atta girl. Now, let’s get you out of here, shall we?”
Luna nods, and I kiss her head before placing the earbuds into her small ears. I hold up my hand in an okay sign and she repeats it. Lifting her into my arms, I make sure her face is buried into my shoulder so she won’t see anything when leaving the room.
As soon as we exit the room, Terry looks up at me and nods towards Luna.
“Is she okay?”
I nod and keep her face hidden.
“Alive, but just. I’ve called it in and I’m going to carry him down. Layton is on his way to guide us down and make sure the way is clear.”
I nod once and turn to look at the door as Layton walks in, looking exhausted.
“Everyone on all other levels has been evacuated. The only floor we haven’t been to now is the basement. But Calvin is heading down there as we speak with two others in the hope of making contact with them.”
I take a deep breath and hold the back of Luna’s head, reminding myself that I just need to get her out and then we can work on saving Chelsea.
We make it down the first two flights of stairs without any issues and I start to think we might get out without any hick-ups, but then, out of nowhere, a guy comes running up the stairs.
“Stop!” Layton shouts as he aims his gun at the man, who I notice is dressed similar to the others we have taken out already.
“I was coming to save the girl. I know her mother hid her, and I didn’t want to see her hurt.”
“You take one step closer to my daughter, and I swear I will kill you myself. Where’s her mother?” I demand through gritted teeth as I prepare myself to shoot the fucking prick.
“Please, I didn’t want to do any of this. I was forced into it. I want to help not hurt you or your family. Your wife is safe at the moment, but if they don’t find the drugs soon, I have no idea what they will do. They already plan on blowing.”