I turn around to find Terry, Layton and Gordon all standing behind me, dressed from head to toe in black.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, looking around and noticing a couple of other O’Reilly security guards behind them, as well as Jason and Christian.

“You put your ass on the line for me enough times. Time to return the favour,” Jason replies as he looks at the building. “Are they in there?”

I nod, knowing he is referring to Chelsea and Luna. I hear Layton curse under his breath as he looks at the building. There is smoke coming from some of the windows, and we don’t know if it’s an actual fire or smoke bombs.

“Where was their last location?” he asks, looking around and taking it all in.

“The top floor, Young's personal office last I heard. We haven’t had any contact since the call ended abruptly. We know better than to try and contact them again.”

Nothing had prepared us for the line going dead the way it did. One second, we were giving Young directions on what to do if found before we could get there, next there was a bang, and the line went dead. As much as we have tried to tell ourselves that our girls had already gone into hiding, we can’t ignore the growing anxiety and fear that they are hurt, being held at gunpoint, or worse.

“We will get them out,” Terry declares, placing a hand on my shoulder and reassuringly squeezing it. I nod and turn back to the van, where I can see Logan and Drew talking over the blueprints of the building.

“I’ll be right back,” I mutter as I walk away from Terry and his gang and stop next to Drew. “Where we up to?” I ask as Logan points to what I think is the stairwell.

“Drew and three men are going to the ground floor and check for anyone left. The Creche have already been assisted out; they were out before the initial suspected explosion.” Logan looks at the screens that are all still blank. Whatever walls they put up when taking down the security feed, he can’t penetrate it. It’s driving him as mad as the rest of us, not knowing what’s going on in that building.

He hands Drew an earpiece, and I watch as he picks up his gun. I want nothing more than to go in there with him, but we have to do this right, which means I’ll be in charge of negotiating with the perpetrators when we find a way to communicate with them.

“Take Terry and a few of his men with you. I trust them to follow your lead and not take any unnecessary risks.”

Drew looks over my shoulder and nods before looking back to Logan.

“I’ll get into position and wait for your signal.”

Logan nods at him once before they grasp hands.

“Keep safe and no heroics, Bambi. We will get to them.”

Drew nods once before letting go of Logan's hand and turning to me. I grasp his hand in the same way.

“See you on the other side,” Drew says with a deep breath before walking over to Terry. We watch as Terry, Layton, and one other join him, and they quickly pull their weapons and head to the side of the building where they will be entering, hoping to avoid anyone who could be a potential threat.

Logan and I stand in silence for a moment and wait for the signal from Drew.

“We are in position; all seems quiet on the ground floor,” Drew says quietly over the radio, which is synchronized to his earpiece.

“Proceed with caution,” Logan says as we now can’t do anything but wait and see what’s happening on the inside.


It's been half an hour since Drew and the guys first entered the building. They have managed to take out a handful of armed guys and helped numerous members of staff to safety. We have one more floor to go before we can get to the top floor, and my stress and anxiety levels are through the roof.

We found out that the explosion we heard and Chelsea would have felt happened in the emergency staircase. It wasn’t a big one, but it caused enough damage to stop people from making an immediate escape. It’s as if the people orchestrating the whole thing want to scare as many people as possible. Whether it was their way of keeping people where they were so there was less chance of being seen, we don’t know. We can only assume that they haven’t stormed the place in the night due to needing Chelsea or Young to open the basement door. The whole thing is just a complete nightmare and has either been planned down to the last detail, or they are making it up as they go along and have so far been lucky. Either way, I’m going to enjoy killing the bastards.

“How are you doing over here?”

I turn to see Terry approaching with two cups of coffee, which he hands me and Logan. He came out with the last batch of civilians and has been getting them all checked over.

“Not great. We had confirmation just after you went in that the basement had been accessed. It was Chelsea, but that doesn’t confirm where Luna is. If she is with her mom or on her own. We also have no idea if Chelsea is unharmed as she is with the fuckers who stormed this place.” I rub my face with my free hand as I take a deep breath.

“They are going to be okay. That woman would never let anyone hurt her baby, and Luna is just as brave and stubborn as her mother. They will work out a way to let us know where they are,” I hear Logan say, but I’m not sure who he’s trying to convince more, me or himself.

“I found our guys, over.” Drew's voice grabs our attention instantly. Logan picks up the walkie-talkie, and we share a look before he connects to Drew.

“Alive? Over.”