“Baby? You need to listen to me; get out of there now! Tell Young there’s been a major security breach, and you need to.”

The whole building shakes, causing me to drop the phone as I grab for Luna.

“What the fuck was that!” Mr Young yells beside me as he grabs his office phone from the floor. “It’s Young. I think there’s been an explosion. The whole place just shook!”

Over the sound of the fire alarm and Luna crying, I can’t hear what’s being said on the other end of the call, but I can see the colour draining from Mr Young's face as he turns to look at me and down at my daughter who is clinging to my leg.

“I’ll get them to safety … I will tell them now. Get a message out to McIntire and tell him what’s going on,” Young snaps before hanging up the phone he looks down at Luna.

“Your daddies are on their way and will be here really soon. But Mummy and I need you to be very brave and come with us, okay?” he says to Luna gently, who nods her head and takes his hand when he holds it out for her. He looks up at me, and I see guilt all over his face. “I’m so sorry, Chels, we will get you both out of here.”

I nod once and take Luna's other hand as we rush towards the stairwell, knowing better than to take the elevator.

We rush together down one flight of stairs, but as we get to the next, we come to a stop when we are greeted by a thick wall of smoke, which is quickly moving up towards us.

“Shit. I can’t see through it, can you?” Young snaps. I shake my head and lift Luna into my arms. Thank God, I’m in my casual clothes of jeans and trainers and not my usual work attire. At least like this, I can carry her and run if I have to.

“Get back up; we will try the other exit.”

We quickly rush up the stairs, but when we attempt to open the door to the other stairwell, we find it also filled with smoke. By this point, I can feel Luna shaking in my arms as she cries. Why the fuck did I come in today? I’m meant to be at home with her, safe and sound, not in the middle of a goddamn disaster movie!

I look to Young, who’s looking as lost and worried as I feel. I hear my mobile ringing from the bag I had left behind and rush for it.

“Please tell me you are both out!” Calvin calls down the phone as soon as I answer.

“We can’t get out. Both stairwells are full of smoke. I don’t know what to do!” I cry out. I can hear cursing and the phone moving from one of the guys to the other.

“Baby, listen to me,” Logan's voice comes over the phone and my heart races, knowing this is bad if he’s in control. “I’m going to be honest and straight to the point. We think the building’s being targeted due to a large amount of drugs buried in the basement. With the new locking system, I put on the door, only you or Young can open it. You will probably be targeted. We have to hope that they think you are still working from home. I want you to lock yourself and Luna in a room and hide okay, you need to stay hidden and no matter what do not leave that hiding space. We will get you out. But you have to stay safe until we do.”

“Okay,” I only just manage to reply.

“I know it’s scary, baby, but you got this. Give the phone to Luna.” I do as Logan asks and hold her close so I can hear what he is saying to her.

“I promise everything is going to be okay, Princess. Do everything Mummy says, even if you don’t want to, and I promise we will be there as soon as possible. Can you do that, princess?”

“Yes, Daddy.” Luna's voice breaks, and I hold her close as I kiss the top of her head and blink back the tears.

“Good girl, we are coming to get you. You are so brave, Luna bug,” I hear Calvin say and realise they are all on the line, the phone on loudspeaker in the car.

“We love you,” I whisper, knowing all three will hear.

“Not as much as we love you both. Now, go hide and hand the phone to Young,” I hear Logan say and I take a deep breath before handing the phone to Young wanting to keep it with us.

As soon as he takes the phone, I hold Luna tightly to me and rush for the conference room, knowing there is a corner table with a cloth over it that I can at least hide Luna under. Whatever happens, I know the guys will be here as soon as they can to get to us, but handing that phone over to Young was one of the hardest things I have done. I want to keep hold of it and listen to their voices, so I know how far away they are. I need to know they are close to getting my baby out of here. I close the door behind us and place Luna on the floor beside the table.

“Get under there, sweetheart and stay there. No matter what you hear, even if Mummy has to run, you stay and wait for your daddies. Can you do that?” I ask running a hand over her head as she cries and clings to my arm.

“I want you to hide with me, Mummy. Don’t leave me, please!” she begs, and I try everything to hold back the tears and force a smile on my face.

“I will only leave you if it is safer for you. Do you understand that, baby? I won’t stay if it is putting you in danger. But I promise I will come back for you, okay. If your Daddies get here first, you go with them, and I will find you.” I watch my brave girl wipe her eyes and nod. “I’m so proud of you, honey. Now hide in there and do not make a noise or come out no matter what you hear.” She nods again as I lean in and plant a kiss on the top of her head. “No matter what, you stay quiet and in there okay? I love you.”

Almost as soon as I lower the tablecloth back into place I hear the sound of shouting outside of the room where Mr Young is still on the phone to the guys.

“I’m here alone, it’s me you need to open the door.”

“Don’t fucking lie to us, Young. We saw her coming in here with a kid and I will search the whole fucking floor until I find them both.”

“Even if she is here, you don’t need her, you can get wherever you need to with me, it’s my building I have access to every room and floor.” The sound of flesh hitting flesh sounds out quickly, followed by Mr Young moaning. I crawl to the door and peek through the window.