“The only person they need protecting from is you and we are going to make sure they never have to worry about you ever again,” Drew growls as he grabs Leon's shirt to lift him onto his feet.


We all spin around to see Christian and Jason rushing towards us.

“I know him,” Christian declares as he comes to a stop beside me. “He worked for Taylor as his drug mule.”

“What the fucks that got to do with anything? We know he was a fucking drug mule,” Drew snaps as I look at Logan and can see the cogs turning in his head. He turns around to face Leon, lifts him to his feet, slams him against the wall, and places his arm over his throat.

“What do you know about the shit going on in Young's basement?” he demands as he tightens his hold on Leon, reducing his air supply but not cutting it off completely.

“Everything, which is why I was watching over Chels. She’s in danger you need to protect her!”

“What’s down there?” I yell as I come to a stop beside Logan.

“Nicholson’s drugs.”

“Fuck!” Jason and Christian both curse together.

“Who the fuck is Nicholason?” I demand turning to look at them.

“He makes McIntire look like a goddamn saint!” Jason sighs shaking his head.

“McIntire has a conscious and limits to how far he is willing to go to teach someone a lesson. Nicholas is a straight-up psychopath. He would kill his own mother if it meant getting what he wanted,” Christian adds rubbing his face. “What happened?” Christian asks Leon directly.

“Taylor stole three million pounds worth of cocaine off one of Nicholason’s shipments and buried it figuring that after a few years, he would give up looking for them, but he never did. As soon as Taylor was killed, he got wind of things being found in places only Taylor and a few of his men knew about so he got hold of an old buddy of mine and tortured him until he told him about Taylor selling the building to Young on the cheap, but making sure he kept a constant access and surveillance on the place. They realised where the drugs were but Young is under McIntire’s protection and even Nicholason knows better than to make an enemy out of him.” Leon looks around at us all and must see how much we are all trying to make sense of it all.

“I was only trying to scare Chelsea enough that she would leave, if she gets caught up in all this mess with Nicholason and the drugs they could kill her to get access to the area!”

My mind starts racing as I try and come up with a plan. A phone rings in the background and I hear someone answering it.

“Boss! You want to take this!” One of our guys calls out.

“I’m a little fucking busy!” Logan growls through his teeth, adding pressure to the arm which is still restricting Leon's airways.

“It's Hugo at Young's there’s been a security breach!”

“Fuck!” Logan growls as he throws Leon to Drew. “Tie that fucking prick to something!” he roars as he charges towards the guy holding out his phone. “What’s happened?” he snaps as soon as the phone is to his ear. “Fuck! Get them back up! You hacked things for the military fucking get the cameras back up.” Logan spins to look at me. “Some fucker has taken down the cameras and is controlling the security system.”

“Let me call Young and tell him personally to evacuate the building.” I pull out my phone to call him when Young's name flashes up on the screen.

“I was just about to call you,” I answer as Logan tells security to sound the evacuation alarm if they can.

“Somethings going down here!” I hear her voice before the siren-like alarm goes off in the background.

“Chelsea? What the fuck are you doing there?” I yell as my heart freezes.

“Mr Young called me about a computer issue, so we came in.”

I turn to see Drew and Logan staring at me, as the realisation hits me.

“Luna’s there too!”



“I wasn’t about to leave her at home!” I snap, pushing a finger into the ear the phone isn’t against, hoping to drown out the sound of the alarm.