“If it was he will be back and we will catch him on camera if not in person,” Logan answers.

“But if he sees the cameras he might not come too close.” I point out. Logan shakes his head as Drew grins.

“He won't see the cameras, they are too small and fitted into the walls. So even if he saw us fitting them which he didn’t, he won't know which way they are pointing.”

“After hearing that, I think we should all stay here tonight, just to be on the safe side. I will take the sofa, and Logan in with you and Drew on Luna Bugs floor. I will pop home and get supplies in the morning before everyone gets up,” Calvin says holding my hand. “We will protect you, darling. Don’t doubt that.”

“I don’t,” I whisper pressing a kiss to his lips before looking at the other two and enjoying the feeling of protection I feel from them all.



“Hey, how did the meeting go?” I ask as I walk into the high-tech surveillance hub. Logan looks up from the computer and shrugs.

“They are hiring us; it was an easy sell, to be honest.”

“But it was a big sell; working for that family will pay out big!” I clap him on the back and sit in the chair beside him. I look at the screen and see Leon Prince's mug shot. “Any sightings of the bastard?”

Logan shakes his head and pulls up the guy's visitors list from the prison records. Sometimes, the amount of access we have to confidential information can work in our favour.

“Chelsea had a nightmare last night. It took me and Pippin to calm her down,” I sign, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

“He said, I fucking hate that I couldn’t be there.” Logan was called away in the early hours of the evening to a system failure at Young's. He’s convinced whoever was trying to access the basement caused it. We think people are starting to realise we know there's something down there and want to get their hands on whatever it is before we do.

“She understands, buddy. Chels would never expect any of us to put her over our work.”

“But that's what I was doing,” Logan exclaims. “Every little thing that goes wrong in that place puts her in more danger. I want to know what the fuck I’m missing and why I think her ex is linked to it somehow!” Logan growls under his breath before jumping to his feet.

“Every time I think I’ve managed to block them from the basement, they somehow find another way to access it. I’m at my fucking wits end with it. I can’t sleep because all I can see is ways they could hurt Chelsea in their hunt for whatever they think is in there.”

I can’t remember the last time I saw him this highly strung. He’s taking the issues at Young's as his own personal failures and beating himself up about them constantly. He’s making himself ill, and I think we all need a break of some kind.

“Bambi, you in here?”

“Yeah!” I call over my shoulder as Calvin walks into view.

“Makes sense, as Chelsea’s been trying to call you.”

“Everything okay?” Logan demands, spinning around to face Calvin.

“They are both fine. It’s just Bambi’s turn to collect Luna, but she’s going to a friend's after school for a sleepover. Chels is picking her up from there at two tomorrow.”

“Which friends? Does Chels know their parents? Are they able to look after Luna properly if anything happens?”

“Wow! Houdini, calm the fuck down!” Calvin snaps, holding out a hand to stop him. “Chelsea would never put that girl in any danger. I get you care for her, we all do, but chill the fuck out. Shit.”

I watch as Logan looks at Calvin for a moment before grabbing his water bottle and storming out of the hub.

“What the fuck is his problem?” Calvin sighs, running his fingers through his hair.

“He’s not in control of the situation, and it’s making him feel like he is failing not only with Chels but at work too.” I point out, taking a deep breath and looking back at the screen Logan had just been looking at. This guy's rap sheet is huge; not only is it for the assault on Chelsea, but the moving and handling of drugs, drug smuggling when he was younger, theft, breaking and entering. You name it, it’s on there. How he is still walking around, I don’t know.

“I think we all need a break and some time off. When was the last time any of us had a holiday? Or even a full night off?” Calvin sighs as he takes a seat. I’d just been thinking the same thing. We are all exhausted, not only because we are taking turns to sleep on Luna’s floor, the couch or Chelsea's bed, but because we haven’t switched off in so long.

“Did you say Luna’s going to her friends straight from school?” I ask, turning my chair to look at him properly.

“Yeah, why?”