“Thank you for trusting me to care for you both,” I whisper against her lips before walking from the room as she lifts her phone to her ear to call the school.


An hour later, I pull up outside of our office building and turn to find Luna looking a little green.

“Come on, baby girl, let's get my stuff as quickly as possible, then we can get you home.”

She turns to look at me and nods slowly. I climb out of the car and walk around to the passenger seat, where I help her out and lift her so I can carry her on my hip. She leans her head on my shoulder while wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Is Houdini and Pippin here?” she asks quietly.

“Their cars are here, so they should be,” I answer, pressing a kiss to her warm forehead. We walk into the building and head straight for our joint office.

As soon as I walk through the door, I see Logan sitting behind his desk. His face drops as he looks up and sees Luna on my hip.

“Princess, what’s the matter?” he asks, standing up and walking around to us. He places a hand on her head.

“I was sick in school. Bambi picked me up,” she answers, looking at him.

“Why didn’t he take you home?” Logan asks, frowning at me.

“I have to get my laptop and stuff so I can get the accounts sorted. I tried to call you both, but you were unreachable,” I answer as Luna leans out of my arms towards Logan, who takes her and holds her tight.

“Oh, Princess, you are burning up. Have you had any medicine?” Logan asks as he walks to his desk chair and sits with her on his lap.

“She had liquid paracetamol two hours ago. I need to go to the shop and get her ibuprofen as well as more paracetamol,” I answer, grabbing my laptop case from under my desk and placing my laptop and paperwork into it.

“Hey. Roger settled in at.” Calvin stops short as he walks into the office and spots Luna. “Luna Bug, why are you not in school?”

“She’s ill,” Logan answers, pressing a kiss to her head.

“Bambi is taking me home once he has his work stuff,” Luna says as Calvin reaches her. She instantly leaves Logan's lap to wrap her arms around Calvin's neck. He lifts her and carries her to his own desk chair.

I listen to Calvin talking to her quietly as I throw the last few bits I need in the case before walking over to the two of them and holding out my hands for Luna. She instantly climbs into my arms and leans her head on my shoulder.

“Get her home, I will go to the shops and get what she needs. I’ll bring it around within the hour,” Logan says as he stands from his desk and retrieves his wallet and car keys from the drawer.

“I have a meeting with some potential clients, but I will be around as soon as I’ve finished with them,” Calvin adds, walking over and pressing a kiss to Luna's head.

“Will you all be coming around?” she asks, looking at us.

“Do you want us all there?” Logan asks. Luna nods as she closes her eyes.

“I always want you all with me,” she answers quietly. The three of us share a look, each of our hearts bursting wide open at this little girl.

“Then we will be there as soon as we can, princess,” Logan says, running his hand over her head.

“Come on, let's get you home, baby girl,” I whisper into her hair before leaving the office as the guys tell us they will be there as soon as they possibly can.

As I pull away from the office and look over to see Luna almost asleep in the passenger seat, I realise she never favours one of us over the others. Today she went to each of us without even thinking about it. She needed to be cared for and felt safe enough to come to us all for the care she needed. To me, that speaks volumes of the trust she is putting in the three of us, and I know we will all do whatever she needs us to do to ensure we never do anything to lose that trust. In the short time we have known this amazing little girl, we have fallen in love with her mom and her. She has three men who want nothing more than to be her daddies and give her all the love her own father never showed her.



Why the hell did the meeting have to run late today of all days? I couldn’t even get a few minutes to message Drew to check in on Luna. It’s so unlike her to be poorly, and I know she hates being sick. I hope she is okay with Drew being there and not me.

I pull onto my street and almost slam on my breaks when I spot not one but three cars parked outside my house. Is something wrong? Is that why they are all there? I drive onto my drive and jump out of my car, not grabbing my phone or anything as I race for the house.