“You are both more than welcome, baby. Now go inside and lock the door,” Logan says as Chelsea smiles and moves back inside. We watch the door together until we hear the sound of the deadlock sliding into place.

“What do we do now?” Drew asks as we all head towards the car, which is still parked up. Logan holds the door as we all spare one last glance at the house the downstairs light goes off, and we know our woman is moving up to her bedroom.

“We wait and hope she gives us all a chance.”


I’m just walking into the house when my phone signals a message simultaneously with the other. We all share a look before retrieving our phones and looking at the screens.

Chelsea has created a group chat on WhatsApp with the four of us. I open the message and see that she is typing. We all wait impatiently for her to send her message.

“Please, for the love of all that is holy, don’t reject us,” Drew mutters. I reach over and squeeze his shoulder.

“If she does, we just make it our mission to prove that she made the wrong choice,” Logan says as he hands out three glasses, all containing whiskey. Our phones ping in unison, and again, we all share a look before reading the message.

Chelsea: It seemed like this is the easiest way to message you all at the same time. I think I had made my decision before we even went out tonight, but seeing you with Luna and how happy she has confirmed my instinct is right.

I want us to try this relationship with the four of us. But if I think Luna is better off without it at any point, I will put her before the rest of us. We will have to make some kind of arrangement when it comes to what people know and don’t know, as I will not have her bulled or told her mother is a slut or a whore.

As for the long term, I don’t know what to say. I want to believe this will last forever, but I learned many years ago that love isn’t always enough to make something last.

I need to go to sleep as the extra-large whiskey I just downed is kicking in and I need to sleep it off. Thank you for the perfect night. I really hope we can have more like it as a family of five.

Good night. XXX

I slump back in the chair and rub my face as I fully relax for the first time all day.

“Well, there we have it. We are all in a relationship with the same woman,” Logan chuckles as he slumps into his own chair.

“Yep, and stepdads to one cheeky six-year-old who has us wrapped around her little finger,” I chuckle as it all starts to sink in.

“Anyone else not feeling as scared as they thought they would?” Drew asks next to me. I look at him, smiling.

“I’m not worried in the slightest, you?” I ask, turning to Logan, who is grinning from ear to ear like the two of us.

“Not at all. I think this may be the best decision we have ever made,” he declares as Drew and I nod in agreement because although this may have been the last thing on our minds when we agreed to all move to the UK, it is by far the best thing to happen to us, ever.



“So, you happy with everything you need to do whilst here?” I watch as the new recruit looks around the security hub and nods.

“All seems standard enough. What about the staff? Anyone in particular I need to keep a close eye on?” I nod as I pull out the file, we put together of people associated with Taylor. “You are aware of the situation of people gaining access to areas they are not meant to be in. These people are not to be permitted into the building without a constant guard. As far as we are aware, there is no reason for them to arrive, but if by chance they do, you search them and follow them everywhere. Letting them know that you are armed and have no problem using it.”

Roger takes the file from me and starts to flick through it.

“That file doesn’t leave here, but you can look at it any time you need to be sure. The best thing to do is if you think someone looks familiar, bring them in here and place them in the interview room. That gives you time to check the file and compare pictures. If they are not on the list but you are still feeling uncomfortable then follow your gut. From what I have read in your file, you have a good instinct, so we trust you to use your initiative.”

Roger nods again and places the file on the table we are standing next to.

“Use the next few days to shadow your teammates and get used to the layout of the building. There are a lot of floors and rooms to learn the locations of and the exit procedures for each of them.” I hear a knock from the door quickly followed by Chelsea’s voice as she talks to Hugo outside of the room we are talking in.

I haven’t had a chance to see her properly since we all went out the other night as I have been pricing up a security job in another part of the country. It’s killed me not seeing her, and I know Calvin stayed at hers last night, but we have spoken on the phone every night and morning and messaged constantly.

A knock sounds at our door, and Rogers opens it as he’s closer. There in the doorway is my woman, looking stunning in a dark grey pencil skirt suit with a black blouse.

“Hi, I’m Chelsea. I’ve brought your passes and terms and conditions.” She holds out her hand, which Roger takes and shakes.