“Staying with a friend, my usual babysitter was working the closing shift.”

Again, he nods once, and we silently head to the car.

As with any time I spend with Logan, the journey is in near silence but not completely unpleasant. He checks I’m warm enough and gives me a brief run-down of the people we are meeting tonight. He reminds me he hates meeting new people, and I offer to help where I can.

As soon as we arrive at the restaurant, Logan notices the people we’re meeting are also just arriving. They turn and see us approaching and almost glare at Logan before flashing me a large smile, instantly putting me on edge. Logan must notice as he moves closer to me and places a hand on the bottom of my back.

“Mr Wilson, it’s good to see you again,” he says, holding his hand up. Logan removes his hand from my back and shakes it. I notice Logan seems more tense than he was a moment ago, I hadn’t realised his mood could get any tenser, but here we are. “And who is this beautiful thing beside you?” The gentleman asks, turning his full attention to me. Logan wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me against him.

“This is Ms Hughes. Ms Hughes, this is Mr Fallon.”

I lift my hand to shake his, but he takes it and places a kiss on my knuckles. I instinctively pull my hand away, not wanting this man’s lips anywhere near me.

“Forgive me, Ms Hughes, I’m a sucker for a beautiful woman.” I feel Logan's hand on my waist tighten as his body stiffens. He’s fighting to control his temper, and I step in quickly.

“That’s okay, Mr Fallon. I just respectfully ask that you don’t do it again,” I request, smiling. He nods once and turns to Logan.

“Shall we head inside? I’ve been informed this place does the best steak in the area.”

Logan nods once and holds his left hand out, signalling for Mr Fallon to go on ahead, and his right stays tightly around me.

“Are you okay?” I ask quietly.

“I don’t like the way he was eyeing you up,” Logan replies through gritted teeth.

“He’s been told, so be good,” I warn. Logan looks at me with an arched brow, which causes a small smile to appear on my face. “We won’t stay for pudding, gotcha.” I watch as one side of Logan's lips lift slightly as I wink. The waiter starts to lead us through the restaurant and Logan stays close the whole time, not taking his eyes off Fallon, who looks over his shoulder at me and winks as if to flatter me.

“If we make it through dinner and you make sure I don’t batter him, I will consider taking you elsewhere for pudding,” Logan mutters as his body tenses again.

“Can I hit him?” I ask quietly before flashing the waiter a grin as he signals for us to take our seats. Logan grabs a chair and holds it out for me to sit, ensuring that Fallon is not directly next to me. As he pushes my seat back under the table, he leans his mouth down by my ear.

“I’ll let you know.”


Dinner progressed as I expected. Fallon is trying to come across as the perfect gentleman, but he keeps winking at me or asking my opinion on things I probably know nothing about. How Logan keeps his cool when Fallon's friend suggest that SEALs are just glorified Navy officers, or that the prices his company charge seem a little steep. But they are careful not to push Logan too far. They try to remain as businesslike as possible.

Halfway through dinner, I excuse myself needing a moment to calm down after Fallon, who is quickly heading towards drunk refers to me as beautiful again. Logan looks at me, questioning if I’m okay. I nod once and give his arm a quick squeeze to reassure him before heading off to the bathroom.

I take my time there washing my hands and checking my make-up, just needing a second and praying that nothing happens while I’m gone. I’m just opening the bathroom door to head back into the restaurant when Logan grabs my hand and pulls me toward the exit.

“We’re leaving,” he snaps, not allowing me to ask what I missed. He storms out of the restaurant and into the cold night air.

“My jacket!” I point out, but Logan holds it up in his other hand. He looks absolutely furious, and I know better than to push a man this close to the edge. He opens the passenger door of his car and holds it whilst I climb in, slamming it closed as soon as I’m safely inside.

I watch, shaking a little as he marches around the car, jumps in behind the wheel and speeds out of the parking lot without even putting on his seatbelt.

“Logan, what.”

“Don’t. Just don’t right now Chelsea, I need to concentrate,” he snaps, and I quickly sit back in my seat and keep my mouth shut, as I start to shake.



The second Logan's car stops in front of my house, I jump out and rush towards the front door desperate to put some distance between me and the obviously angry Logan. As I get to the door, my hands are shaking too much to get the keys in the lock. I jump back with a startled yelp as Logan appears next to me and takes the keys to unlock the door.

“I need you to breathe, Chelsea. I’m so sorry I triggered you.”