
This time, Jefferys is straight on the attack and screams whilst rushing towards Drew, who again takes out his legs, slams him into the floor and points the gun to his head, again.

“Rule number two?” I call out.

“Never let them know you’re ready,” they call out.

“Give away that you are prepared; they can react quickly, probably ending your life before you’ve hit the ground!” I look at those around the ring and see they are paying attention; they don’t want someone who is cocky and predictable on their team. They need to trust each other with their life, and right now, they can’t do that with Jefferys.

“Let him up!”

Drew stands and walks to the other side of the ring as his opponent clumsily climbs to his feet.

“Last chance, Jeffery’s. You think you deserve a place on this team; you need to prove it to not only us but your teammates,” I call looking at him. He’s lost it, and he knows, but in true dickhead style he is going to see how far we can push his luck.

“Drew, go easy on him this time.”

Drew walks towards him with his hand out.

“No hard feelings.”

Jeffery looks down at Drew's hand and stupidly goes to shake it. Drew tightens his grip, tugs Jeffery’s forward, and headbutts him before spinning him around as he curses and cuffs his hands behind his back before kicking his knees from underneath him and slamming him back into the floor.

“Rule number three and four?”

“Never trust your opponent. If you can’t trust your teammates, you can trust no one!”

Logan and I climb into the ring, where Drew is pulling Jeffery’s up onto his feet. His hands were cuffed behind his back, blood streaming from his broken nose.

“Do you trust Jefferys to have your back?” I ask as every single person in that room answers a firm “NO!”. I turn my attention to Jeffery’s and shrug.

“Looks like you have your answer. You are no longer a member of the team, and all licences will be evoked. You are lucky I didn’t let him beat the shit out of you.” I turn back to the rest of the room.

“This is just a taster of what will happen if you try and disobey us. We give you an order; you follow it through to the best of your ability, and there will be no second chances. Work hard, and you will get rewarded. Now get back to training!”

Everyone disperses leaving the three of us and a cuffed, bleeding Jefferys in the ring. Logan squats down in front of him smirking as Drew grabs a fist full of hair and tips his head back.

“Well, that didn’t go as you thought it would, did it?” Logan gloats. “I, for one, am glad you are gone. You have been nothing but a disgrace to the company since we made the mistake of hiring you. Time for you to fuck off and stop wasting our time.”

I hear the office phone ringing from the other room and turn my attention to the others.

“You get him removed and check all passes and weapons are handed in. I’ll deal with that.” I don’t wait for an answer before jumping out of the ring and running to the phone. I manage to pick it up before they ended the call.

“Multi-force security,” I answer, leaning against the desk.

“Calvin?” as soon as I hear her voice, I stand tall frowning.

“Chels? Is everything okay?”

“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean to call you guys. Your number is under the schools. They have phoned to say Luna is upset again and I wanted to check on her before her play in an hour.” I can hear how flustered she is, which isn’t like Chelsea. No matter what is going on, she keeps a straight head.

“What’s the matter with Luna?”

“She has this class play and the kids who give her a hard time are teasing her about her only having me to watch. I wish I could say it’s just kids being kids, but the parents can give me a hard time at these things as well.” I hear Chelsea curse under her breath before turning her attention back to the call. “I got to go; they are calling again. I’ll message you later.” She hangs up, leaving me looking at the receiver. She sounded so stressed and upset it was hard to hear. I hang up the phone and wonder if there is anything I can do to make it a little easier on them both.

An idea formulates in my head, and I rush off towards the area I know the others are in to start putting things into place.