I walk from the room and head straight back up to the top floor where we find Chelsea sitting at her desk.

“Is everything okay?” she asks as soon as she looks at us. I shake my head. Not stopping to answer as I head into Young’s office. I grab my tablet whilst holding the phone to my ear.

“Get to Young’s now. Call up Jeffery and Haycock and get them here as well.”

“What’s going on? Weren’t they working at Young’s last night?” Drew asks.

“That’s why I want them here ASAP. I don’t care if you have to drag them out of bed. Get them here now!”

I hang up, not waiting to hear his reply. I grab a pen and paper from Young’s desk and start scribbling ideas going around in my head and a to-do list.

“What do you need?”

I look up to see Chelsea standing in front of me, her notebook ready to take notes.

“I want a fresh copy of the list we made up the other night of who can go where and why. I need everyone to stay the fuck out of the basement and a notice going out that no one is to work past their allotted times. That includes you,” I warn her with a knowing look. I know she works late most nights, and it needs to stop.

“Anything else?” she asks. I frown at her wondering what else I could possibly need. “Coffee? Lunch? Conference room to work from?” she asks.

“All of the above,” I reply looking back down at the paper in front of me. I hear her stepping away and take a deep breath. “Thank you, Chels.” I look up to see her looking over her shoulder.

“You’re welcome,” she replies before leaving the office leaving me to crack on with it.



It’s been two days since all hell broke loose at work, and I have never been more grateful for the weekend. Two days without dealing with Logan’s constant mood swings will be bliss. I know he has every right to be pissed off, as things could not be much worse at work; I just wish he would stop taking it out on me.

I have spoken to Calvin and Drew about his attitude, and they both answered with the same advice.

“He is like that when stressed. He will calm down once he works out what’s going on.” I was so relieved when he told me the dinner had been cancelled, at least I didn’t have to spend that evening with someone who would rather fuck a barbed fence than be pleasant towards me.

It’s Saturday afternoon, and I promised Luna we would go to the cinema in the morning, followed by a trip to the park. Luna loves being outside, but the weather has been crap the last few weeks. Winter is well and truly on its way, which means cosy nights in, which is great, but my outdoorsy girl hates it.

Luna looks up at me and smiles when she sees the play area coming into view as we walk through town. It’s rammed-packed, so I decide to kill some time and get us both a warm drink while we wait for the area to clear slightly.

“Can I have marshmallows in my hot chocolate, please, Mummy?” Luna asks as we join the queue in Costa.

“Can you even have hot chocolate without marshmallows?” a voice asks behind us. I turn to find Drew and Logan smiling. I have to blink a couple of times to check that Logan is actually smiling.

“Afternoon ladies. You having a good day?” he asks smiling at me and Luna who is grinning at Drew.

“Oh, you’re the one who stayed the other night,” she exclaims excitedly.

“Luna!” I hiss as Drew's smile drops and Logan roars laughing. I look up at him, surprised. I don’t think I have ever heard him laugh like that before. “I told you he didn’t stay, he had to leave the car outside because it was making a strange noise,” I lie giving Logan a warning look when Luna isn’t looking. But he’s too busy smirking to pay any notice to me.

“If you say so, but I know you told him to hide when I knocked on your door that morning. Plus, your door was locked. You never lock the door in case I have to come in,” she continues, not caring who’s around and listening.

“Oh my god, someone kill me now,” I groan, placing my hand on my face as Drew and Logan laugh and Luna giggles. “Fine, okay, he stayed you happy now?” I hiss through gritted teeth. Luna smirks at me proudly.


I turn around and give the barista our order, but before I get a chance to pay, Logan taps his card against the machine. I turn around, ready to point out I can afford a coffee and a hot chocolate, but he is busy asking Luna what she has been doing so far today, not even looking in my direction. Drew smiles next to him and shrugs.

“He’s in a good mood this morning; make the most of it.” Drew gives his and Logan's order and adds four large cookies.

“Mind if we join you, ladies? There aren’t many tables,” Drew asks as Logan hands a cookie to Luna.