“Can you reach them easily?” Logan asks. I look at the cupboard and reach out to prove I can reach them with no problems. “Now drop down a foot and see if you can reach them.”

As soon as I squat down a little, I see the problem.


“Yep, there is no way Chels could reach them,” Logan laughs as he pats me on the shoulder as they slump with defeat.

I thought I was doing a great job. I was sure she would be impressed with everything I had done here. I sigh and start pulling the plates and bowls from the cupboard.

It’s been three weeks since we decided to buy the house. Jason has agreed to let us decorate and start moving things in while the sale of our two houses goes through. In all fairness, he has been amazing. All four of the O’Reilly’s and their security team have been here at some point, helping us decorate the five bedrooms, lounges, dining room, kitchen and everywhere in between. Terry and Logan spent three days in the garden and have created a play area for Luna and an area in the sun where we can all relax during the warmer months. I couldn’t ask for more from my old work family.

Everything has been moving at a hundred miles an hour since the funeral. Geralt's son has taken over from his dad, and McIntire and Christian O’Reilly have been helping him as much as possible while he learns the ropes. Abigail also wants to know more about the family business, so she is now Chelsea's assistant. Chelsea has been doing a fantastic job helping the family while they come to terms with Geralt’s death, and I know they are so thankful for all she has done for them.

I hear a car pulling up outside, and we all share a smile before heading to the front door to welcome Luna and Chelsea home. Nothing compares to seeing our woman and daughter for the first time every evening. We try to be home as much as possible in the evening, and it has worked out well so far. We take turns to be on call to ensure two of us are always home to help Chelsea with Luna or just to be present. We missed the first six years of her life but plan on being here every day from now on. She is our daughter, and there is nothing we wouldn’t do for her.

Logan gets to the door first, and Luna throws herself into his arms.

“Papa! Guess what happened in school today!” Luna has given us all different names now, as all three of us being Daddy was getting a little confusing.

“What princess?” he asks, kissing her cheek as he leans back in his arms.

“I got all my spellings right, and I moved up a reading stage!” she exclaims happily.

“That’s amazing, Luna Bug! Well done!” I exclaim as she jumps from Logan's arms and into mine.

“I got four stars from the teacher and have the most in the class now, Pops!” she adds as I kiss her cheek.

“Does this mean we get to take you out to celebrate?” Drew asks as I hand the excited little girl to him.

“Can we go to the place that does the ice cream in a glass, Daddy?” she asks him, smiling.

“If that’s where you want to go, I can’t see why not,” he kisses her cheek before placing her back on her feet. I look at Chelsea and notice her and Logan whispering to each other. Chelsea looks pale and close to tears.

“Luna, can you go and have a look at your new room and put the toys where you want them, please? I will be up in a minute to help,” I say, realising that something is seriously the matter with her mum, and the three of us need to check she is okay.

“Ok, Pops,” she calls, rushing up the stairs, singing to herself as we watch her disappear from view.

I turn and look at Chelsea and know that something is seriously wrong.

“Is everything okay?” I ask as I take a step forward at the same time as Drew. Chelsea looks up with tears in her eyes as she shakes her head.

“Baby, we can’t help you unless you tell us what's going on,” Logan says softly, placing his hand on her cheek. She looks up at him and bursts into tears.

“You’re going to hate me,” she cries as he drags her into his arms.

“Baby, no matter what’s going on, we could never hate you.”

I watch as her whole body shakes as she cries into his chest. It breaks my heart to see her so upset. We have seen her cry many times over the last few weeks since the incident at her work, but it feels different this time.

“Come on, let's head into the kitchen, and you can tell us what’s going on,” I say, stepping back whilst nodding towards the door that leads to the kitchen and utility room.

The four of us walk into the kitchen together. Logan keeps his arm around Chelsea's shoulder as he guides her to the small table we have here and places her on a seat. Drew walks over with a glass of water for her and some kitchen roll. Chelsea thanks him as she takes the kitchen roll and dries her face.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispers, refusing to look at us. I squat down in front of her and take her hands in mine.

“Why don’t you tell us what’s happened. We can’t help you until you do,” I explain. Chelsea takes a deep breath and starts fiddling with the tissue in her hands.

“I haven’t been feeling too well recently. At first, I put it down to stress after everything, but when I wasn’t feeling better as the weeks went on, I decided to have some blood tests done. I have a history of vitamin D and Iron deficiency, and sometimes I need infusions to help.”