“Yes, and you aren’t going to like who,” Harry starts but stops when he sees my face. I feel every muscle tense as I watch the guy that stands next tomyprincess place his arm around her waist, handing her a champagne flute.

“Fucking Rossi,” I hiss through my teeth. If there is any guy I would happily kill and not lose a minute’s sleep over, it would be that fucker right there. That was before I saw him with his hands on my Gabriella. Now I know he will die by my hand. His family are the lowest of the low and has their hands in all kinds of sordid pies. I spend more time protecting women and children from them than any other family.

I watch as he places a kiss on her cheek and says something to her that makes her smile. She says something to the couple she was speaking to before making her way to the other side of the room where the seating plan is. Rossi stays where he is, and I take my chance to get her away from him.

“Keep an eye on him and her,” I order as I walk away from my security and head to the seating plan, dumping my glass on a waiter’s tray as they pass me.

I straighten my tie and try my best to relax my shoulders and face before plastering on a smile.

“Evening, princess.”

I watch as Gabriella’s whole-body tenses before slowly turning to glare at me.

“What the fuck? Are you following me?” she hisses through her teeth.

“To follow you would mean I knew you would be here tonight. I’m just as shocked at seeing you as you are me, I can assure you,” I reply, pushing my hands into my pocket and trying to relax.

“You keep with an interesting crowd these days. Didn’t think you would be friends with someone like Leo Rossi.” Does she know what he does as a side business? I can’t imagine my sweet innocent princess would be associated with that kind of scene.

Gabriella’s eyebrows disappear into her hairline as she crosses her arms over her chest.

“Whom I spend my time with is none of your concern. Whom I date is most certainly none of your business.”

“He isn’t a good choice of boyfriend, princess. He’s dangerous; you need to keep as far away from him as possible. Just ask.” Gabriella holds up one finger, cutting me off mid-sentence.

“You lost all right to give me dating advice when you disappeared. You are not my brother, and I am not your damn concern, Daniel.”

I open my mouth to argue with her when I feel a hand on my arm.

“There you are, darling. I’ve been looking for you.”

I turn around to see Sharon Edwards grinning at me. I look back to Gabriella to tell her I am not finished with the conversation, but she has already left. Fuck, I need to get her out of here.

“What do you want, Sharon?” I demand as I turn to face the irritating woman I forced myself to date a few years back. She got me access to an underground sex den. Once I got the girls and guys out of there, she was nothing but loose baggage. She doesn’t seem to understand that we are over and continues reappearing when I least want her to.

“Someone else wants to speak to you,” she replies, grinning as a guy steps beside her.

“Mr Sullivan, I am glad I caught you. We have some business to discuss.”

I look at the guy in front of me and quickly rearrange my face to show the powerful, dominating man my father trained me to be. The quicker I get this sorted, the quicker I can get Gabriella the fuck out of here and somewhere safe so I can tell her what her boyfriend is really into.

“Mr Garrison, I’m glad I finally get a chance to discuss the issues with your proposal.”

Chapter Six


Leo grips my arm and roughly pulls me towards him whilst smiling at those around us.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing talking to that prick in front of everyone? Are you purposely trying to make me look like a fool?” he growls through his teeth.

I turn to look at him and see he’s furious; I have no idea what I’ve done to make him so mad.

“Who?” I ask, trying to stay calm. I can see people looking in our direction and know they can see how angry he is.

“That bastard, Sullivan,” Leo hisses in my ear.

“I only know him as my brother’s best friend from school. I hardly know the guy; he just spotted me and wanted to say hi. That’s it,” I lie. I’m scared of what he’ll say or do if he knows how well I know Daniel.