“Well, hello there, beautiful. How did we miss a gorgeous woman like you?” He and his friends all turn around and head back towards me until they have me surrounded, my back pressed against the wall.

“What’s this? Five against one little girl?” I taunt, rolling my eyes. I silently curse myself for opening my mouth; whilst trying to think of a way out of this shit storm, I’ve found myself in.

“Would you like all five of us? I bet we could have some fun with a sweet little thing like you,” one of them grins as he grabs my face. The sight of him turns my stomach. He’s built like a fighter and looks like he’s taken several blows to the face over the years. His nose is misshapen, having obviously been broken a few times. He is missing a tooth and has tattoos on one side of his face. I love a good tattoo, but these look like he did them himself.

“Get your fucking hands off me!” I snap, pushing his arm away. One of his friends grabs my hand and holds it against the wall as he grabs my face again.

“Now, now, there’s no need for violence. We wouldn’t want you to get hurt, would we? We just want to show you a good time.”

“It won’t be me getting hurt,” I hiss through my teeth as I turn my head to the side to get out of his grasp. He tightens his hold, and I feel my cheeks being pressed against my teeth. My heart’s racing in my chest as I start to panic. My brother taught me a long time ago how to defend myself, but I’ve never needed to actually do anything! I try desperately to remember something that may help me, but my mind’s gone blank. Fuck.

“No? Who will it be, gorgeous?” He leans forward as if to kiss me as I try to move my face away again.


My insides freeze as that deep voice sounds above all other noise. I know that voice. I’ve known it near enough my whole life. I close my eyes tight and start silently praying. Please don’t let it be him. The guy before me lets me go, and I slowly open my eyes. I watch as the guy who had grabbed me steps to the side, and I seehimfor the first time in five years.

“Escort these gentlemen from the premises. Be sure to teach them a lesson to ensure they know never to come back,” Daniel orders, his silver eyes fixed on me. I blink and notice the four bouncers standing behind him for the first time. I can hear the guys who had cornered me protesting and yelling, but I can’t take my eyes off him.

“Hey, princess. Long time no see.” And there it is, the million-dollar smile that would melt my heart every time.

“Hey, Danny,” I whisper, unsure what else to say. I’m frozen to the spot. I never in a million years expected to see him tonight, or any night, for that fact.

“Did they hurt you?” he asks as he steps before me, taking my chin between his forefinger and thumb. He moves my head as if examining me for injuries. His touch instantly restarts the butterflies I thought had long died, fluttering in my stomach. I open my mouth to tell him no, but instead, two words spill from my dry lips.

“You’re back.”

Daniel looks at me for a moment and nods.

“I’m back.” He offers me a small smile and holds out his hand. “I’d like to explain if you will let me?”

I look down at his hand and consider walking away, but when I glance back into his eyes, I know I can’t even if I wanted to. Instead, I place my hand in his, letting him lead me down the corridor away from the rest of the club.

Daniel stops outside of a door that reads “Staff Only.”

“We can’t go in there; they’ll kick us out!” I exclaim, taking a step back. But Daniel smiles deviously, shaking his head.

“I have a feeling we’ll be fine.”

He presses the keypad beside the door, and I hear a slight click as it unlocks for him. The door opens, and I see a security room behind it, where three more men in black suits are looking at the various CCTV screens.

“Everything okay, Boss?” the bigger of the guys asks as he looks at us. He’s bald and carries himself like a Marine or other forces guy. He’s nearly as wide as he is tall; I would hate to bump into him on a dark night.

“As you were,” Daniel orders, nodding at the guy as he pulls me into the room. Daniel guides me to another door which leads to a flight.

The silence between us is deafening. I use the time to look at the man I haven’t seen in what feels like forever. Wherever he’s been has done him the world of good.

There has never been any doubt that Daniel Sullivan would grow up handsome, but this man in front of me is something else entirely. He’s dressed in a black three-piece suit with a white shirt with the top couple of buttons undone. His thick brown hair is longer on the top, and I have to stop myself from reaching up and running my fingers through it. The stubble on his face adds to the model look, and honestly, even after five years, I know he could break my heart all over again if I’m not careful.

We walk into an office where a guy sits with his feet up on the desk.

“Out!” Daniel barks as the guy jumps to his feet and heads for the door. “I don’t want anyone to come into this room. Tell Malcolm to leave the car in the garage, I will drive myself home,” Daniel declares as he lets go of my hand and nudges me towards the oversized desk chair.

“What about Harry?” The guy asks as he stands by the door.

“Tell him to take Malcolm to the house. I won’t need him for the rest of the night,” Daniel answers as he holds the chair out for me.

“He won’t like that, boss.”