“Fuck princess,” he growls as he thrusts his hips up, holding me in place as he chases his release. He pounds into me repeatedly, bringing himself to the point of release and coming deep inside me as I cry out from another orgasm. I fall forward, leaning against him as we both gasp for breath. Daniel holds me close as he runs a hand up and down my back, and I rest my head on his shoulder.

“I love you.”

My breath catches in my throat as I lift my head to find him looking at me. He lovingly gathers the hair that’s fallen over my face and tucks it behind my ear.

“What?” I whisper, unable to look away from his silver eyes as he smiles softly.

“You heard. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long. I love you, and I always have. My heart has always been yours, Gabriella.” He brushes his hand over my cheek. “This morning, when you were in the shower, I checked your jewellery box for a gift idea, but then I found this.” He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out a ring. “I couldn’t believe you kept it. You were only sixteen when I gave it to you.”

“You said you saw it and thought of me,” I whisper, looking at the ring. “I wore it every day until a year after you left. I took it off when I realised you weren’t returning to me.” I place my hand over my chest where my necklace used to hang, my heart breaking for the part of me that now feels like it’s missing. “I couldn’t bring myself to remove the necklace as well,” I admit.

“I knew then that you would one day wear my ring. I wanted you to have this one until you were old enough for me to propose officially.” Daniel takes my left hand and slides it back onto my ring finger. “One day soon, I will replace this with a proper engagement ring. I will beg you to marry me and won’t take no for an answer. We have been kept apart for too long, and I don’t plan on waiting much longer before I make you my wife.”

I look down at my hand and see the small diamond on my finger before Daniel takes my hand and places a kiss on top of it.

“I love you,” I whisper, tears filling my eyes. His eyes meet mine, and I can’t miss how they sparkle.

“Even after everything?” he asks quietly. I nod, touching his cheek and looking deep into his eyes.

“Even when I told myself I hated you, my heart was still yours, Danny.”

Daniel grasps my face and kisses me before pulling away, looking happy and content. I smile back before slowly easing myself off his lap and seeing the mess we made of his boxers. He looks down and grins.

“That’s exactly as I hoped it would look.”

I laugh whilst repositioning my skirt so it falls back around my ankles. I look back to find him smirking at me playfully.

“Take off your panties.”

“What? No!” I laugh as Daniel stands up and holds out his hand.

“You either give them to me now, or I take them myself. Which is it, princess?”

I giggle, sure that he’s joking. But he drops to his knees and reaches up my skirt.

“Danny!” I protest, nearly losing my balance. I place my hands on his shoulders to steady myself as he grabs the lace and pulls them down, leaving me with no choice but to step out of them.

“Good girl, now I have something else to keep me going until I get home tonight.” I watch as he stands up and puts them in his trouser pocket, grinning. “Make sure you keep yourself bare, just like that. Neil will pick you up at six sharp. I want to find you on my table at seven when I get home, legs spread, ready for me to eat you,” Daniel growls, grinning at me.

“You are insufferable,” I giggle, straightening my skirt. Daniel steps forward and hooks his finger under my chin, tipping my head back so I’m forced to look into his eyes.

“Only for you, princess. Always remember that,” he declares before kissing me again. I hear the shop phone start ringing and sigh as I leave his touch and rush to answer it.

As I rush into the shop, I see my brother standing outside the front door with his phone to his ear. He lowers it as soon as he sees me, and the phone instantly stops ringing. I open the door and step back as he walks in.

“Where is he? And why are you closed? You never close this early,” he asks as Daniel walks out of the back room, shrugging his jacket onto his shoulder. “Seriously guys, it’s the middle of the day,” Oliver sighs as Daniel chuckles and stops behind me.

“We have a lot of time to catch up on, thanks to you,” Daniel points out, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him.

“Yeah, well, I don’t think I’m ready to see it all the time yet. So, try and keep your hands off my baby sister when I’m around,” Oliver sighs dramatically.

“Whatever, I need to go anyway.” Daniel turns me in his arms and presses a kiss to my lips. “Six o’clock. Don’t forget what I told you to do,” he whispers, grinning before quickly pressing his lips to mine and stepping away.

“See you at seven,” I reply as he walks towards the door, grabbing Oliver as he goes. “Come on; I need you with me today.”

“Whatever,” Oliver sighs, turning to look back at me. “See you later, little sis.”

“Not if I see you first,” I tease as he flips me off, and I quickly return the gesture.