“If you are going to beat the shit out of me, just get it over with Sullivan. I’m getting fucking bored now,” Leo sighs, rolling his eyes.

I finish rolling up my sleeve and look at him for the first time since I pulled him off Gabriella. I don’t say anything; I ball my fist up and punch him, putting all my weight behind it. His head whips to the side, and I swear I hear something crack in his jaw as the skin on his cheek splits.

“All this over a fucking slut,” he hisses as he spits blood. I grab his hair and pull it to straighten his head so I can hit him again.

“Call her a name again. I fucking dare you,” I growl through gritted teeth. Leo looks at me and smirks.

“You can have her, Sullivan. She’s just your type. All mouth and no action,” Leo laughs before I hit him again. This time I let him and the chair topple. He isn’t so quick with a comeback after a blow to the head as he hits the concrete floor. I lift my foot back and kick him in the ribs. I kick him again as I think about how Gabriella had lain there perfectly still, how I’d thought she was dead.

“Don’t you fucking dare hold me back, Harry!”

I turn around to see Oliver standing behind me as Harry stops him from reaching us. I look at the other guards and nod towards Leo, who is still on the floor coughing. They pick him up and put him and the chair upright as I approach my oldest friend.

Oliver takes one look at my shirt and stops fighting.

“Whose blood is that?” he asks. I look down and see it’s still mainly hers.

“Gabriella’s, she is safe,” I answer. I don’t know who I am trying to calm down more, him or myself.

I watch as Oliver looks at my shirt and then at the guy responsible for causing his sister’s pain.

“Let me kill him.”

I shake my head as he stares at me with wide eyes.

“You will let the son of a bitch live after he attacked my sister?” Oliver yells. Again, I shake my head.

“He will not live, but you will not be the one to kill him,” I answer. Oliver stares at me, and I know he realises I mean to take his life myself. I have always tried to protect him from that side of my world, but unfortunately, there have been times he has had to get his hands dirtier than I’d have liked.

“Make him pay,” he growls, his eyes burning into mine.

“I will. No one hurts her, and lives,” I answer as I turn and look at Leo, relishing in the fact that he’s heard every word.

“You are seriously going to kill me over some fucking bitch?” he tries to yell, but his jaw is broken. I walk closer to him and pull my flip knife out of my pocket.

“I’m going to kill you because you disrespected Gabriella Lawson in front of me and her brother and because you had the nerve to lay a hand on her. No one touches her and gets away with it.”

“My father will hunt you down and kill you and that bitch!” Leo growls; I bring the knife down between his legs and know I slice through his cock and balls. He screams like a banshee as I pull the knife out. I hold it up to his face as he screams and bleeds out.

“Your father can try, but I will kill him like I’m going to kill you.” I hold out my hand and feel a heavier knife being placed in it. “Are you left-handed or right?” I ask, staring into his blue eyes.

“Fuck you!” he spits, tears streaming down his face as his blood pools below him.

“Left or right?” I ask again. As I knew he would, he glances quickly to his right hand. Before he can register what he’s done, I bring the knife down hard, severing his hand from his arm. He screams as his hand falls to the floor, as blood starts pumping from the wound.

“That’s what happens to anyone who raises their hand to Gabriella and thinks they will get away with it.” I bring the knife down quickly on his guard’s right hand and sever that too. Both guys scream as they look at where their limbs used to be.

“Sullivan, don’t kill me, please,” Leo whimpers as he starts to cry like the pathetic shit he is. I’m sure he’s pissing himself as he winces in pain; the smell of urine fills my nose.

“I will kill you and enjoy every second of it,” I reply calmly as I stare into his eyes. “I will use you to get the message out, you mess with Gabriella, and you’ll never live to tell the tale.”

I grab the hair on his head, tip his head back and slice the knife across his throat before handing it to Harry as Leo’s blood bubbles out of his open wound, his body desperately trying to get some air into his lungs which are filling with blood instead. I take great pleasure in knowing that in his final moments, all he can see is the blood on my shirt, and he feels how Gabriella felt as she thought her life was ending.

I stay until he slumps forward in the chair, dead from blood loss. Not feeling an ounce of regret, I turn away from the sight of him in a pool of his own blood and head to the door, leaving his guard to die a slower and more painful death by bleeding out.

“Get that cleaned up and disposed of. I want everyone to know what happens if they touch one hair on my woman’s head!” I yell as I walk out of the warehouse, planning on getting home to Gabriella as quickly as possible. I only get halfway to the car when I see Oliver leaning on a wall. I take a deep breath and head over to him. He lifts his head as I approach.

“Is it done?”