I try to scream and shout all kinds of abuse at him, but nothing makes it past the gag. It’s tied so tightly that I can hardly breathe. Leo leans over me with an evil grin on his face.

“We have been dating for two weeks, and I haven’t even gotten past second base. Well, I’ve had enough of being patient. Tonight, I’m getting what I’m fucking owed whilst I record the whole thing to send to your piece of shit of a brother. When he comes looking for me, I can laugh in his face that I fucked you and how much you squealed as I did.” Leo passes his guy the phone as I scream against the gag.

Leo lies on me as I try to fight him, but that only excites him more. I put all my energy into fighting, but Leo is too heavy. I feel him pushing my dress up over my knees and higher.

“I wanted to know how sweet this pussy tasted, how fucking loud I could make you moan, but right now, I think all I will hear is you screaming like the bitch you are,” Leo laughs. Tears start streaming down my cheek. Why hadn’t I let Danny’s security help me when I was downstairs? How could I have been so stupid as to refuse his help?

I try pleading with him through the gag, but it’s no good; he can’t hear me. Leo grabs my underwear and pulls it until it cuts into me and finally rips. His other hand pulls at the shoulder of my dress and rips it from my body, freeing my breasts. As he pulls at the strap of my dress, I feel my necklace, the one from Daniel, pull against the back of my neck and snap.

I scream through the gag as he grabs my breast and squeezes to the point that the pain is unbearable. I fight, trying desperately to get free. I push against him in the hope of bucking him off me, but I can’t do it. Leo backhands me across the face again, yelling at me to shut up before shoving a pillow over my face to muffle my screams further. I try desperately to move the pillow from my face by rocking my head back and forth like before, but he applies more pressure until I can’t breathe at all. My chest starts to burn as my lungs beg for air.

The cuffs dig into the skin on my wrists; I know I’ve ripped into the skin, but I don’t care. The need for air overtakes all other senses.

The pillow is held down from above as something gropes between my legs. I clench with everything I have, frantically trying to kick out and buck him off me, but the lack of air is making me weaker by the second. I hear him growling for me to stay still, but I can’t. I won’t stop fighting him. If I could get some air into my lungs, I could fight harder; I could stop him long enough to get someone, anyone’s attention. But I can’t get out from under this fucking pillow. I’m losing the ability to fight as my throat and chest burn, and I start to lose control of my body. No matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to move anything anymore as I start to lose consciousness. The reality hits me that I’m going to die here tonight.

A bang sounds in the distance as I feel myself slipping under. At least I’ll be unconscious when he rapes me, if not dead. It’s for the best. This way, I won’t feel it. I feel relieved when I realise I can’t even feel his body against mine anymore.

Suddenly the pillow is removed from my head, and the light blinds me. I try to gasp for breath, but the gag stops me; a small amount gets through my nose, but it’s not enough. Two hands grab my shoulders as I try to get away, and I try to breathe.

“Gabriella, I’m me, Princess. It’s me. Hold still.”

I can hear him but can’t focus enough to see him. Danny’s found me.

Things start to come into focus as someone unties the gag. The second it’s removed from my mouth, and they remove the extra material, air fills my body so quickly it hurts. It’s as if I’ve swallowed millions of shards of glass. Each cutting me internally as they fill my lungs.

“Get these fucking cuffs off her!”

I blink a few times as his soft voice soothes me, and his face comes into focus.

“Danny?” I gasp as he nods, cupping my face with his hand. His face is pale compared to how he looked downstairs, his eyes wide, as if scared. I see someone hand him a key, and he makes short work of uncuffing me. When he uncuffs my second wrist, I watch as he throws them to the other side of the room as if they offended him. The look of fear is replaced with anger as he pulls me into his arms. A sob bursts from my burning throat as I throw my arms around Danny’s neck, clinging to him like he’s my lifebuoy. Even after everything, I know there’s nowhere safer than in his arms.

“You’re safe, princess. I have you,” he whispers. His grip on me never loosens as I cling to him. He’s holding me as tightly as I am him. Too scared to let go for fear of losing him again.

I hear someone say something behind him, but I don’t move as he growls a response.

“Take them to the warehouse. I will deal with them myself.” He looks down at me, and I realise my dress has been ripped from my body. “Somebody get me a robe, now!” he yells. I curl my legs up, trying desperately to cover myself. But Danny places a hand on the other side of me, using his body to shield me from people’s view.

Daniel’s eyes take in every inch of my face, and I can see him cataloguing every mark or cut. I see the moment he notices my split lip as his eyes darken. He runs a knuckle over my aching cheek which I’m sure is swollen. I notice someone handing him a robe out of the corner of my eye.

“Everyone out,” Daniel snaps, not taking his eyes off mine. “Let’s get you out of here, princess,” Daniel whispers as he stands up and holds out his hand. I place my hand in his and turn to sit on the edge of the bed. What’s left of my dress slips from my body; I quickly let go of Daniel and cover myself with my hands as I frantically try to conceal myself somehow. I’m so frantic that I don’t notice Daniel move until I feel something fall over my shoulders. I look up and see Daniel holding the white robe around me.

“Put your arms in the sleeves,” he whispers as he holds it over my shoulders. I slowly move one arm at a time. Daniel makes short work of fastening the robe cord around my waist as quickly as possible, covering my naked body. “Do you think you can walk?” he asks gently. I nod but stumble forward as my ankle goes from underneath me. Daniel catches me and, in one swift move, picks me up bridal style.

“I’ve got you, princess. Hold on to me,” he whispers as I wrap my arms around him and bury my face into his neck. He carries me out of the room and into the hallway. I don’t look to see where we’re going, but I hear people whispering. Daniel barks out a few orders, but I’m too embarrassed to look up from his chest to see whom he is ordering about. I have no idea where he’s taking me, and I don’t care. I trust him implicitly, even after all these years. I realise we are outside when I feel the cool night air against my bare legs.

“Boss, this will help with the swelling.” I recognise the voice of the security guy, Neil, that took me home last night.

“Gabriella, hold this against your cheek.”

I look up from Daniel’s chest and see a bunched-up napkin in his security hand. I reach out and take it before holding it to my face.

“Thank you,” I whisper, leaning back into Daniel.

“You’re welcome, Miss,” he answers before Daniel starts walking again. I press the napkin to my cheek and hiss as the ice inside touches the hot, sore skin. He must feel me tense in his arms as Daniel’s lips brush my forehead.

“Relax, Gabriella; it will help. I swear I won’t let any more harm come to you, " he whispers. I nod and continue to hide in his chest, not wanting to know how many people see me in this state.

Daniel comes to a stop, and I hear what sounds like a car door open.