The rain gave me cover, but I still pulled the hood tighter around my face. I kept my head down as I walked towards Emma’s building, a place I hadn’t been in two weeks. A place I swore I wasn’t coming back to.
Especially now. The risk was greater than ever. My uncle’s death had placed me in power. I was the boss. And not everyone wanted me to be.
I was fully committed to this life. The decisions fell to me. My father’s legacy was mine to continue. It didn’t matter that his legacy was death. I couldn’t let it die like he had.
My chest constricted as I picked up my pace. It felt like a weight was crushing my insides. I had to see her. She was the only one who could lift this feeling. The only one who could make me breathe again.
Rain poured down around me as my eyes flicked to her building. It was late, but I could see the glow of a lamp coming from her apartment. Just knowing she was close made it possible for me to move.
I needed to see her. Needed one more breath of fresh air. Needed to feel her light before I let the darkness consume me.
But I hadn’t even taken a step to cross the street when I sensed movement behind me. I didn’t hear it or see it. I felt it. Years of training told me something was off.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end as I turned. Rage exploded inside me as I reached for the gun at my waistband. I realized too late that I’d left it at home like I always did when I saw Emma. It was the split second that gave my attacker the advantage.
His fist landed in my side, the force of it bending me forward as the air left my lungs. But I couldn’t let it slow me down. I jerked forward, ramming my shoulder into his stomach as I shoved him against the brick wall.
The street was dark and deserted. No one around to see the fight. With two hands, I gripped his neck, yanking his face down as I pulled my knee up. I felt his nose break under the blow.
His groan of pain sated some of the anger. But it wasn’t enough. I fisted the front of his jacket, slamming him back against the wall again. My mouth thinned in disgust as I saw his face.
“Vinny.” I grabbed both his cheeks, smacking his skull against the bricks. Blood splattered into the night, getting lost in the rain.
“You’ll never win.” He spat as crimson trickled down his chin.
“Looks like I am.” But I spoke too soon. I’d been distracted by who he was. By how close he’d been to finding out my secret. I didn’t see the knife until it was too late.
He lunged. I felt the blade pierce my skin as I jumped back. The blows to the head made him unstable. It gave me the edge, letting me grasp his wrist. I twisted it back; his scream filled my ears as the bones gave way.
I caught the knife as he released it, thrusting it into his gut. Killing the man who was supposed to protect me.
I guess my instincts were right. He’d been a spy for my uncle. How many more were there? Had others followed me? I felt trapped, realizing I was supposed to lead a group of men I no longer trusted.
How many more knew what my uncle had done to gain power? How many didn’t care because it had given them a little more money?
Vinny stumbled back. Sliding down the wall as his hands fell to the blade. I glanced at my own red-stained ones. I waited to feel something. More anger. Pity. Guilt. Fear. But nothing came.
I was numb as I stood there, the rain washing away my sins. The darkness encroaching from every corner.
“This is just the beginning.” He coughed, blood trickling down his mouth. “They don’t want you to take over.”
I had no idea who they were, but I would find out soon enough.
I didn’t bother to watch the life leave him, instead looking up at Emma’s apartment. Vinny’s death was another stain on my soul, but this one would never affect me. I’d done it for her. To keep her a secret. Keep her safe. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her.
I could feel myself being pulled towards Emma. The darkness in me begging for her light. For her to absolve my soul.
But it was too late. I was already gone.
I turned away. The best thing I could do for her was leave. I couldn’t drag her into this life. She was happy in her sheltered world. Believing people were good, and she was safe.
She wasn’t meant to live in my world. A world of criminals. Of betrayal. Where death was my job.
My insides twisted violently. My feet were lead weights as I forced myself to keep going. To do the right thing for once.
My life was now split into two parts. Before, I took over the Gallo Mafia, and after. Before her, and after.
Both equally changing me. I would never be the same again. I could never be the man who loved her softly. There was no more softness in my world. Only death and pain.