This unholy ground the town was built on was soaked with the blood of innocent ones who had no other choice but to fall at the feet of the monsters living among them. They cursed this place, this entire area long before I was born, and I planned to use it to my every advantage.

I’d spent twenty-three years of my life searching for my Dark Star, for the Dark Queen who could accompany me on this journey, and now that I had found her, the party could start.

The monster inside me was thirsty for blood, for more than what I was feeding it. It needed the blood of innocent ones. The blood of those who didn’t believe we were perfect. And we were.

My monster and I… we were the perfect specimens, and with Danika, we could rule this little hellhole.

With a thundering heart, I pushed between the two guys standing at the entrance to the ballroom, talking, and looked around, ignoring their meek shouts and annoying voices. They didn’t matter. Not right now.

My eyes scanned the crowd, going from one blonde head to the next, surveying the shapes, the hips, the way other people moved, until they finally landed on her.

I would never forget the feel of her underneath me, her scent, the taste of her, the little whimpers and moans that escaped from her lips, which was why when I saw the person standing in front of her, holding her hand, my blood ran cold.

Gabriel fucking Lacroix.

His eyebrows were scrunched together, a worried look on his face, while his lips moved rapidly, telling her something I couldn’t hear. Danika tilted her head to the side and placed her hand on his cheek, petting him as if he deserved her touch.

Nobody deserved her touch.

She was mine goddammit.

I didn’t notice when I started moving, but when my eyes clashed with Gabriel’s, I had a feeling he could see the rage brimming inside of me. He immediately took a step back, getting away from her. Danika turned around, following the path of Gabriel’s eyes, until blue eyes clashed with my dark brown ones, taunting me, inviting me to play.

She knew I would follow.

She knew I would find them, and she still did it.

I had no idea if I wanted to spank her or kiss her, but before I could reach them, she ran away, moving faster than I could follow, disappearing into the crowd.

“Fuck!” I cursed out loud just as I reached the spot she occupied mere seconds ago. I didn’t want to look at Gabriel, worried what I would do if I did. I liked him—kind of. He wasn’t like Judah, thinking only about himself and what he wanted to have.

I had no idea why Judah was obsessed with her and the fact that she couldn’t be his first Red Maiden, and I didn’t care. I just knew I had to keep her away from him.

“Where’s Judah?” Was the first thing out of my mouth, looking around the room.

“He’s somewhere around. I saw him going to the second floor with his sister.”

Good. Great.

That meant he would be too busy to pay attention to Danika and me.

I had met his sister once, and if the Devil had a face, it would wear hers. I had never met someone so… I had no words to describe it. Evil, maybe? Her smile and pretty face couldn’t hide the rotten soul hiding behind it. And people called Danika and me crazy.

There was something weird going on in that family, but the more I thought about it, the less I cared.

Gabriel continued talking about something, but I tuned him and everyone else out. Judah, Gabriel, neither one of them would stand in my path.

Tonight was the night, when the saints hid, letting the people like me roam freely over these streets, through this forest, chasing and taking whatever we needed. Tonight was the night when she would finally become mine.

As I ran outside of the house through the back entrance, I knew where she went.

My eyes focused on the tall trees surrounding the little maze just behind the house, and the lone figure standing in front of it, blending with the darkness of the night.

“There you are,” I murmured, taking a step down the stairs, and then another one as she disappeared inside the maze. “You’re mine now.” I smirked and sprinted toward it, where she waited for me.

Somethingsinister lived in Winworth and it had a name—Lazarus Morass.

My little nightmare.