Page 6 of Skittish Seduction

Nathan chuckled. “Oh, anything you get from Russell’s bar is always good.” Shoving his hands into his pockets, he told them, “I’m partial to their brick-oven pizza, myself.”

Vail grinned at him. “A few of those were ordered, too.”

“You won’t be disappointed.” Then Nathan turned his attention back to Sam. “Well, I’d best be getting back to my patrol.” He took another step back. “Sorry for interrupting.” Tipping his chin toward their collection of motorcycles, Nathan added, “You really do have a nice assembly of bikes.”

Khan barely managed to suppress his whine of dismay when Nathan began turning away.

“Deputy Nathan, wait.” Sam had obviously noticed Khan’s distress. “What’s your number, man?” He pulled his phone back out. “We’re serious about riding with you.”

Payson waggled his reddish-brown brows as he teased, “And your boss did offer your assistance in showin’ us the sights.”

Nathan squinted at Payson for a second before focusing on Sam. “Here.” He held out his hand for Sam’s phone.

Sam woke the device before relinquishing it. After pressing more than a few buttons, the soft chime of a device in Nathan’s pocket rang through the air. Nathan returned Sam’s phone.

“Now you have my cell, and I have yours.” With a tip of his hat, Nathan began to turn again. “Nice to meet you, Sam.” Then he smirked and focused on him. “Khan.”

Khan desperately wanted to head after his mate, but he knew it was a futile gesture. He couldn’t keep in his quiet and appreciative whine. His deputy cut a fine figure in his uniform shirt, form-fitting jeans that hugged his ass just right, and cowboy boots.

“Easy, Khan,” Sam rumbled softly, threading his fingers in Khan’s ruff—the hold was soothing as well as probably intended to stop him if he took off after Nathan. “We’ll help you secure your mate.”

“Yup.” Payson came forward with Land tucked tight against his side. “Your pretty deputy won’t know what hit’em.”

Just as Khan growled at Payson—the hyena shifter should not be commenting about his mate—Land once again whopped Payson’s abdominals with the back of his hand.

“No checking out other guys,” Land grumbled, frowning at him.

Payson barked a laugh as he turned to face Land, wrapping his second arm around him. “Not checkin’im out, my mate,” he claimed, completely ignoring Khan’s growl. “Just statin’ a fact. Khan’s deputy is pretty.” Then Payson lowered his head and began nibbling on Land’s neck as he growled, “But no one holds a candle to you, babe.”

Land moaned softly, tipping his head to the side and offering Payson more room.

“Ease off, Payson,” Sam ordered gruffly. “Don’t wanna scare the locals.” As Payson cackled and lifted his head, Sam focused on Khan. “And as much as I never want to sayPayson’s right, in this case, he is. We’ll help you.” Ignoring Payson’s renewed laughter, Sam pinned Khan with a surprisingly kind smile. “Maybe now you’ll be able to shift.”

Khan didn’t bother to try to respond. He would correct their misconception soon enough. As much as he didn’t want to give up the safety of his furry form, Khan knew that, for his mate, he would—at least, some of the time.

“Come on, Khan,” Sam encouraged, releasing his grip on his scruff now that Nathan was out of sight. “Let’s see what Ryan’s ordered for us.”

Turning away from where Nathan had disappeared, Khan fell into step beside Sam. He hoped the guys were right.

For the first time in years, Khan felt a mixture of hope and excitement.

I met my mate.

Chapter Three

To Nathan’s surprise, he received a call from Sam the very next morning, inviting him to ride with them... again. As tempted as he was, he wasn’t certain joining them was the best idea. Nathan knew something odd had happened on that sidewalk the day before—one of thoseodditiesthat happened around town.

Nathan didn’t know if being alone with the bikers was a good, or even safe, idea.

Fortunately, Nathan had once again been able to use work as a way to put someone off. He was on his third day of rotating ten-hour shifts. Until Sheriff Anthony hired a couple more people, just about everyone’s schedules were a little wonky.

Although the days flew by with few incidents.

Just as Nathan had predicted, he’d ended up running into Maddy’s granddaughter, Cindy, while getting a morning cup of coffee atMiss Martha’s Muffins. The woman was a pretty blonde with just a little extra padding around her midsection. In Nathan’s mind, it didn’t detract from Cindy’s beauty, but he felt zero response from his body. To that end, when Cindy had asked him out, Nathan had carefully declined.

Although Cindy had seemed disappointed, Nathan had been able to make his escape when the barista called his name with his coffee.

Nathan hurried out of the shop and began his morning patrol. When noon approached, he returned to the station. He spotted the sheriff manning the desk and offered his boss a smile and nod.