Peter moaned as he rolled his eyes. “Duh.”

Pisces laughed again. “Okay. Let’s go play.”

After another quick look around, Pisces slipped over the boat railing and into the water. He winked at his mate before sinking beneath the waves. His shift was short and quick, and before long, he was rising to the surface in his bottlenose dolphin form.

Coming up to the side of the boat, Pisces swam alongside. He loved the way Peter laughed, and how he leaned over and petted him was even better. Then, with a swish of his powerful tail, Pisces propelled himself toward the bow of the sailboat.

With a leap, Pisces cleared the waves, showing off for his mate.

Chapter Seven

While Peter had often enjoyed sailing alone, he could never remember when he’d enjoyed it so much. Perhaps it was because he wasn’t truly alone. Instead, the sexy shifter he was coming to feel great emotions for was playfully frolicking in the waters around his boat.

In his dolphin form, Pisces was sleek and beautiful. He exuded power and elegance. Pisces easily leaped out of the waves, danced across the surface, and twirled in the air.

Peter knew he would never grow tired of watching him.

Just as Pisces’s dolphin began veering to the right, leading Peter toward shore and a secluded cove there, movement to his left caught his attention. He spotted a large dorsal fin break the surface, and it began moving in their direction. The body beneath the water appeared long and black.

Watching the large marine creature crest the waves, Peter realized what he was seeing—an orca. Then he recalled another name for them—killer whales. Gaping, Peter swept his gaze over the ocean, looking for Pisces.

Didn’t orcas sometimes eat dolphins?

“Pisces,” Peter shouted, searching frantically.

As if responding to his call, Pisces leaped out of the water and chittered. He must have seen what Peter did, but instead of retreating, his lover surged toward the orca. Shaking his head in disbelief, Peter watched Pisces lunge from the water, twist in mid-air, and splash down sideways near the much, much larger marine animal.

Looks like a kid in a pool body-splashing another.

When the orca twisted around and used the flat of its massive tail to splash Pisces back, Peter understood.

The orca was a shifter, too.

They’re playing together.

Laughing in disbelief, Peter watched them for several minutes. Finally, the orca bumped noses with Pisces and began moving back toward open sea. Pisces headed back to Peter.

By the time Pisces reached Peter’s sailboat, he’d returned to his human form. He hung on the side of the boat and grinned up at him.

“You scared the shit out of me,” Peter blurted with a shake of his head and a glance toward the orca’s retreating body. “I thought it was going to eat you.”

Pisces chuckled even as he heaved himself back into the boat. “Naw,” he countered, grabbing a towel and quickly wrapping it around his waist.Too bad.“That’s Seri, a buddy of mine. I’ll introduce you to him another time.”

Blowing out a breath, Peter nodded even as his heartrate began to spike for a wholly different reason. A wet, naked Pisces was truly a sight to see. He couldn’t help but lick his lips as he watched rivulets of water trickle down Pisces’s expansive torso.

“Yeah. Okay,” Peter murmured absently, his gaze tracking over Pisces’s firm bronzed flesh. “Figured he was when you started playing.”

Humming, Pisces sidled up into Peter’s space. Cradling Peter’s jaw in one wet hand, he rumbled, “You were worried about me?”

Peter felt his blood heat in his veins as he stared into Pisces’s hungry hazel eyes. He had to swallow, hard, to find his tongue. “Yeah,” Peter whispered. “Of course, I was.”

Pisces’s nostrils flared, and his expression turned heavy-lidded. Lowering his head, he pressed a soft, wet kiss to Peter’s lips. Instead of taking it deep, as Peter had hoped, Pisces lifted his head and took a step backward.

Pointing toward the shore, Pisces told him, “There’s a little secluded cove you can anchor in right there.” His features took on a feral cast. “Then I can show you how much I appreciate your concern.”

A ripple of anticipation worked through Peter. His nipples beaded, and his stomach clenched. Blood rushed south so fast that he was certain his swaying wasn’t caused just by the movement of the waves.

Tearing his gaze away from Pisces, Peter nodded. “Yeah,” he responded roughly. “Okay.”