Pisces didn’t bother asking permission. He decided to assume he already had it. Peter’s hands immediately going to his chest was a pretty good giveaway.

Lowering his head, Pisces sealed his mouth over Peter’s. He nipped and licked at his lips for a moment before pushing his tongue deep. Pisces hummed in appreciation at his mate’s delicious flavor—a flavor he knew he would never get enough of.

Hearing a wolf whistle followed by someone hollering, “Get a room,” Pisces pulled back.

Ignoring the callers, Pisces grinned down at his mate. “You always taste wonderful, my mate.” He gave his mate a wicked smile. “Never gonna get tired of it, and gonna do it as often as you’ll let me.”

“Well, since you’re such a good kisser, I suppose I could allow it often.”

Pisces laughed heartily upon hearing Peter’s playfulness. Lowering his hand, he smacked his mate’s butt before giving the cheek an appreciative squeeze. With a wink, he pulled away.

“Well, if you don’t want me to scandalize the natives, we better get moving,” Pisces told him. Glancing around, he asked, “Can I help?”

“Have you ever sailed before?” Peter asked, taking a step away from him.

Pisces shook his head. “You’d think that, as someone who’s over a hundred and thirty years old, I’d have done it at least once, but nope.” He grinned and shrugged. “I would just swim from place to place.”

“Makes sense,” Peter conceded. Pointing to the bench seat at the back, he told him, “Just sit, relax, and stay out of my way.” He grinned and winked, softening his order.

Obeying, Pisces settled in the seat. He watched Peter in action, unfurling the mast and adjusting the tension. After untying their moors, Peter grabbed the wheel in one hand and some kind of handle attached to the sail with the other. In short order, he had the sailboat drifting out of the marina.

“Damn, that’s impressive,” Pisces commented, impressed.

“Just takes a little training and practice,” Peter told him, but the pleased smile on his face told Pisces that his mate liked the praise.

“You must go out sailing often then.” Pisces relaxed in his seat, watching the waves roll by. “Because you look damn skilled.”

Peter graced him with another pleased smile. “Often enough.”

Pisces was content to watch for a while, enjoying the sea breeze on his face. The view was fantastic, too. He loved seeing the happiness on Peter’s face as he navigated them north up the coast.

“Thanks for letting me pass out on you last night,” Peter finally said, ending the silence. He glanced over at him, his lips twisting in a rueful smile. “It’d been an eventful day.”

“It certainly wasn’t any hardship, Peter,” Pisces told him warmly. “I’ll always take any opportunity to hold you and care for you.” He allowed his voice to grow more serious. “You know that. You’re my mate.”

Humming, Peter flashed another smile his way. “I know.” His chest expanded as he took in a deep breath. Then he let it out through pursed lips. “And...I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, and I’d like you to claim me this evening.”

Pisces’s half-hard prick became hard as a rock in seconds. Groaning, he pressed the heel of one hand to his groin. “Damn, sweetheart.” He hissed at the pressure. “You say that now when we’re in the middle of the ocean, and I can’t do a damn thing to you?”

Peter lowered his sunglasses and peered at him over the rims. “Well, if you know of some private cove up here, maybe we could do something about it.”

Issuing a low growl, Pisces quickly thought about all the secluded places along the coastal waters owned byWorld of Aquatica. “I think I can point out a few places.” Seeing Peter’s hungry smile, he asked, “You ever sailed up that way before?”

Shaking his head, Peter admitted, “Nope. I normally go south for the fishing.”

“Well, it’ll be a new experience for you then,” Pisces rumbled, lust and need swelling through him. Looking at the shoreline, he wondered how long it would take to get to the pod’s territory by sea.

“You know what else would be a new experience?”

At Peter’s question, Pisces focused on his mate. “What’s that?”

Peter grinned at him. “I’ve never sailed with a dolphin before.”

Chuckling, Pisces leaned forward and whipped his shirt over his head. “Now that.” He kicked out of his sandals. “Is something I can remedy.” After a quick glance around to make certain there weren’t any other close boats, he shucked his shorts, leaving him naked. “Right now.”

The soft whimpering moan Peter let out told Pisces just how much his mate enjoyed the sight of his naked body. He couldn’t very well do anything about his erection, but Peter didn’t seem to mind, considering his attention was riveted on Pisces’s hard dick. Still sitting on the seat, Pisces spread his legs a little and gave his nearly ten-inch cock a stroke.

“See something you like?” Pisces teased.