Page 54 of Andrei

“Hmm, and what does he sell that brings in so much loot that you can afford to live in one of the high class suburbs in Seattle, with your children in the most expensive private school in the city?”

“William is an entrepreneur. He sources products from various suppliers. That’s why he travels so much and is away from home every week.”

“You truly wish me to believe you are so gullible to swallow that dribble?”

“Mr. S, please … I beg you, don’t,” William pleaded in a pitiful voice.

Rebecca screamed as Torin yanked hard on her hair again and wrapped a hand around her throat.

“Leave my mother alone, you fucking coward!” The elder of the two boys tried getting to his feet but Razor clamped a hand around his shoulder. He cried out in pain and settled back on his knees. “Hurt her again and I’ll kill you,” he sneered as he turned his head this way and that, not intimidated at all.

“Such a brave boy you have, William. Quite surprising, especially since his father is a cowering beggar.”

“P-please, I beg you. Don’t hurt my boys,” Rebecca sobbed in a broken whisper.

“You do not need to be concerned, my dear. Children are safe from my wrath. They need to be protected, no matter the sins of their parents, isn’t that correct?”

“Yes, and I’ll do anything you want,anything! Just please don’t hurt them.”

Torin barked out a laugh. “Did I imagine it, William, or did your lovely wife just proposition me?”

William shook his head, unable to force a word from his lips. Torin was known for his cruelty, especially when he had been betrayed. He’d seen him do much worse than use women as sexual tools to bring the mightiest man to his knees.

“Hmm, it seems your dear husband has been struck silent, so I’ll leave it to you to answer the question. Did you, Rebecca? Proposition me?”

“I…” She swallowed hard as she lowered her head when he finally let go of her hair. “I need my boys safe and if … if that’s what it would take … then y-yes.”

“Ahh,” Torin offered William a Cheshire-like grin as he assisted the distraught woman to her feet. “Take Mrs. Kent to the red room, please. I’ll join her there shortly.”

“No! Mr. S, please. Dear God, I beg you!” William yanked on the ropes to no avail as he watched Razor lead his wife from the room.

“Mom! Where are you? Mom!” The younger boy was clearly upset. Torin guessed him to be around eight years old, too young to know what was about to happen. Judging by the way his older brother fisted his hands and pressed his lips together, he realized exactly what his mother had offered to appease their tormentor.

“Settle down, young one. Your mother will be back soon.” The deep intonation in Torin’s voice wrapped around the fear of the young boy and he seemed to calm down. He turned to the tall and strong boy who stood on his knees with his shoulders squared and proud. “What’s your name?”


“How old are you?”


“Hmm, such a moldable age,” Torin mused as he watched him thoughtfully.

“No! Leave my boy alone! He’s too young and I won’t allow it.”

Within a flash, Torin was by his side and his fingers dug into his chin as he sneered into his face. “You won’t allow it? What makes you think you have any rights left, William Kent? You proved you can’t be trusted.” His voice turned silky smooth. “Perhaps your son would prove to be of more value to our organization than you.”

“No! Leave him be!”

His cry of pain followed Torin’s fist that cracked into the side of his face, followed by a torrid number of gut punches.

“You don’t tell me what to do, Kent. Not ever, is that understood?”

“I’m sorry, Mr. S,” he gasped as pain seared through his stomach from the ruthless hits that felt like it ripped through his skin to prod at his insides.

“I’ll do what you want! Just let my parents go,” Brendan cried.

Torin was impressed that even at such a young age, he managed to mask the fear from his voice that was evident in the sagging of his shoulders. He was a proud young man and that was what attracted him to the possibilities of what he could mean to Kings Inc.